Wie mache ich eine Kräutersalbe? Heilkräuter, Ausstattung und Know-How

How do I make a herbal salve? Medicinal herbs, equipment and know-how

Be mindful of nature, but also of yourself! Our pharmacist Manuela likes to observe nature and after many years of dealing with medicinal herbs, she has accumulated an enormous knowledge around all the house and weeds of our region and their processing. We asked her about her knowledge of herbs and give some tips around herbs and the knowledge of how to process them.


Which herbs are suitable?

Manuela's herb tip: Be sure to collect and pick your own herbs! It doesn't have to be exotic plants and herbs. Above all, it is the domestic and weeds that grow on our doorstep that we need and should use. The same applies as with our food: anything fresh within a radius of where we live is optimal.

Basic ingredients and basic equipment for making your own herbal salve

. First and foremost, it is essential touse natural ingredients in organic quality without endocrine disruptors, carcinogenic additives, preservatives, etc. The most important ingredients of a herbal cream are:
  • Home-picked plants: Any plant that you pick, dry and process yourself has an even more optimal effect
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  • Cold-pressed oils, ideally directly from the producer
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  • Beeswax, propolis, honey, ideally directly from the beekeeper
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  • Base creams in organic quality
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  • Essential oils
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Plant tinctures
Accessories: spatula for dough, measuring cup/spoon, mortar, stirring spoon, cutting board,, bowl, sieves, funnel, filter papers, pots, scales.

How do I become a medicinal herbalist?

To become a medicinal herbalist, one does not necessarily have to study biology/pharmacy. Many herbalists have learned by word of mouth and experience as they did many centuries ago. Nevertheless, it is additionally advisable to "read up" or do a specific training. The knowledge about the ingredients of herbs and at what time one "harvests" which parts of a plant, how to prepare the harvest and how to process it, must be learned. This is the only way to know which plants are poisonous and must not be used under any circumstances. Dosage and processing also make the poison! You should only use herbs that you know 100% and only as much of them as you need for max. 1 year. There are now many books that deal intensively with the science of medicinal herbs, which are also easy to understand and comprehend for laypersons.

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