FFP2 Masken tragen leicht gemacht – unsere Hautpflegetipps

FFP2 mask wearing made easy - our skin care tips

FFP2 masks are considered a more effective means of protection against the coronavirus than cloth or surgical masks and are now mandatory to wear in many areas of our daily lives. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when using these masks and caring for your skin.

Often our skin is already irritated from constantly wearing masks. FFP2 masks are even closer to the skin than conventional fabric masks and therefore also produce a much more moist environment under the mask. This can easily cause impurities and irritation. Our Saint Charles Cosmothecary beauticians will give you tips on how to care for your skin before and after wearing the mask.

Skin care tips before and after wearing the FFP 2 mask

  1. Cleaning: Thorough cleansing is the be-all and end-all for beautiful skin. At least twice a day, the skin is cleansed with the mild Saint Charles Cream Cleanser, for example, and then removed with warm compresses. Afterwards, our beauticians recommend spraying our moisturising Saint Charles Toner onto the skin.
  2. Care: The skin area under the mask should not be cared for with creams that are too thick! After cleansing, it is best to apply a light moisturising serum to damp skin, e.g. Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum. If needed, massage a little Saint Charles Daily Face Cream onto the cheek area. Don't forget lip balm!
  3. Make-up: If possible, no make-up should be applied to the area of the face that will be covered by the mask. This can clog the pores! Rather, go for well-groomed brows and eye make-up!

Only when all the care products have been well absorbed should the mask be applied. Irritated skin can be soothed in the evening with aloe vera (e.g. from Santa Verde). It is important to give the skin time to "breathe" overnight. In addition, you can apply an anti-inflammatory and soothing Pure Anti Spot Gel to problem areas (e.g. from Santa Verde). For "dry skin irritations", our Beauty Experts recommend applying Dr. Hauschka Soothing Mask thickly in the evening. In the event of significant skin damage or inflammation, it goes without saying that the dermatologist should be consulted.

Reuse of FFP2 masks for private use

Now that we know how to optimally care for the skin before and after using the mask, there are still important things to consider when using the masks. An FFP2 mask is a "Filtering Face Piece" of protection class 2, which is intended to trap some of the infectious aerosols in the air and to serve both foreign and self-protection. Reuse in the non-medical sector is possible on a personal basis. What is important to know about this?

It is relevant that the protective effect of the mask decreases with increasing moisture penetration. Therefore, the mask should be worn for a maximum of three to four hours at a time. An FFP2 mask should never be worn on consecutive days! This is because SARS-CoV-2 viruses only become significantly less infectious at room temperature on the porous mask material after several days. The masks must also not be treated with disinfectant spray! An FFP2 mask that has already been used should not be worn again until the seventh day at the earliest. To do this, the mask can simply be placed on a washing line at room temperature. You should only repeat this "drying cycle" five times. Dispose of the mask worn for the fifth time in the household waste. Also, if you notice that a mask is defective, you have been coughed on directly or a mask is particularly worn, we advise direct disposal even before the five drying cycles have expired.

As of now, we also offer FFP2 masks from Austrian production at cost price in our pharmacy in Vienna as well as in our store in Herrengasse. We look forward to seeing you at a distance! Stay healthy!

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