Schöne Haut im Sommer – Unsere Gesichtspflege Tipps

Beautiful skin in summer - Our facial care tips

We are in the middle of summer. While we were still looking forward to the first warm days in June, the increasing heat in the summer months is beginning to take its toll on us. Not only body and mind suffer from continuous hot spells and strong sunlight - also our skin. But don't panic: our Saint Charles beautician Diana from the Hideaway in Vienna gives us tips on how to properly care for our (facial) skin in summer.

  1. Sun protection

The holiday or bathing day is still to come? Then our beautician recommends paying attention to the right sun protection. After various lockdowns and postponed holidays this year, our skin is little used to strong sunlight. In more southern regions on the Mediterranean, the sun has a much stronger force than in Austria or Germany. Her tip: A light sun cream with a high sun protection factor 50. Only this prevents pigment damage to the skin. After sunbathing, skin care is a must. The sun's rays stress and dry out our skin. What it needs now is a lot of moisture. Your recommendation: Aloe Vera Gel - the cooling gel of the sun plant helps even with mild sunburn.

  1. Which face cream for heat?

Does your day cream "float" on your skin in summer? Then it is too rich. In summer, Diana recommends switching to light gel serums. The Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum with moisturising hyaluronic acid is ideal in summer. Her tip: Never forget to cleanse. Heat, sunscreen and sweat clog pores especially easily in summer. The Saint Charles Cream Cleanser gently cleanses with white clay and prevents impurities with anti-inflammatory pansies. Pair it with the Saint Charles Toner, and you're ready for the next hot spell!

  1. First aid for overstressed skin

If, however, the skin is already stressed by excessive sunlight and requires an extra portion of moisture, then our beautician has a few tricks up her sleeve

  • Cooling your face: The Saint Charles Purifying Clay Mask cools and reduces inflammation with zinc. The mask should be applied once a week in the evening while on holiday. Does the skin need additional moisture afterwards? Then mix the Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum together with the Saint Charles Daily Face Cream and apply the mixture to the skin, it will love it!
  • Moisturising Sheet Mask: Mix Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum with Saint Charles Toner and apply the mixture to a tissue. Leave this on your face for at least 10 minutes as a sheet mask.
  • Protective eye mask: The eye area is also stressed in the sun. Diana recommends moistening cotton pads with cold water and covering them with Saint Charles Eye Cream. Applied directly to the eyes, this tip works wonders.
  1. After the holiday is before the facial

Beautiful skin in summer

Our Hideaway beautician recommends a post-holiday facial. This way, the skin can be specifically moisturised during the treatment. Our Saint Charles beauticians can instantly tell where your skin needs more affection right now. Go to the Hideaway Menu

No time for a facial? Then Diana definitely recommends a home spa facial at home. With the Saint Charles Exfoliating Gel Mask, you can rid your skin of dead skin flakes after (or even before!) your holiday. After an enzyme peel, be sure to protect your skin from sun damage the next day with a sun protection factor 50, as your skin can still be sensitive the day after a fruit acid peel.  

Do you have any further questions about Saint Charles Herbal Apothecary Facecare products or are you looking for recommendations on the right sun protection? Then visit our beauticians in Vienna and Berlin or visit our webshop for summer product tips.

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