Echtes MCT-Öl

Echtes MCT-Öl

Ketogenic diet

Regular price€ 38,00

Quantity: 500 ml
( € 76,00 / 1000 ml)
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Developed for those moments of the day when a little more energy is needed. True MCT oil is a light and flavourless blend of 60% C8 (caprylic acid) and 40% C10 (capric acid). It is derived entirely from coconuts, without palm oil or lauric acid, and extracted without the use of solvents or chemicals. MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, are types of saturated fatty acids that are not stored but are quickly absorbed, converted into ketones and used in cell metabolism and energy production. They are popular in ketogenic diets and to support nootropics, as ketones are a potential fuel source for brain cells.

100% coconut (60% C8 and 40% C10 medium chain triglycerides)
Add 1 to 4 teaspoons of True MCT to your drinks, smoothies, salads or soups to enhance your meal.

100% Coconut (60% C8 und 40% C10 medium-chain triglycerides)


per 100g

ENERGY815 kcal

88 g

of which saturates

84 g


0 g


0 g


4.6 g

of which sugar

0.5 g


0.7 g


0.3 g


0 g

We recommend starting with 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increasing the amount to 4 teaspoons per day as the body gets used to it.


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