Ölziehen mit Mundziehöl – Die ayurvedische Kur zur Entgiftung

Oil pulling with mouth drawing oil - The Ayurvedic cure for detoxification

Oil pulling is trendy - but should not be underestimated. Oil pulling is an uncomplicated method that contributes to daily detoxification. In the Ayurvedic tradition of oil sucking, "oil pulling" detoxifies the entire organism. The Indian art of healing states that all organs are "representatively" located on the tongue. Since the 1990s, oil pulling has also become a healing and cleansing morning ritual for many people outside of Ayurveda.

Because the mouth is exposed to many stresses due to our current eating habits and our modern lifestyle: sugar and sugary foods attack the teeth, processed foods and wheat products lower the pH value. This leads to an over-acidified oral flora. Diseases of the gums are becoming more frequent.

Arguments for the use of a special mouth puller

Hardly any effect of oil pulling has been better studied than that on gum and oral health. Since oils can bind and remove substances in plaque, oil pulling can even help to improve the appearance of teeth in the long term. This is because a good mouth pulling oil specifically targets the whole mouth health. The special plant extracts or essential oils contained in mouth drawing oils have a positive effect on the oral flora and the bacterial cultures in the mouth, and can thus reduce bad breath and especially plaque.

Popular essential oils in mouthwash and their effects

  • Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil has many health-promoting and antioxidant properties.
  • Clove oil: This antioxidant oil is known for its immune-boosting properties and is considered a top free radical scavenger.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary has a vitalising effect.
  • Cinnamon bark: Cinnamon bark is also high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and analgesic.
  • Lemon: Lemon is also considered a strong antioxidant, refreshing and antibacterial.

Due to the protective and regenerating effects of the essential oils, the mouth pull oil can help the gums to regenerate and become healthy.

The application of the oil ritual

The application of the oil ritual is particularly simple, but should be carried out regularly. In the morning, immediately after getting up, remove the tongue coating with the help of an Ayurvedic tongue scraper. Then put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and ideally swish the oil back and forth in your mouth for 20 minutes. This binds the pathogens and bacterial waste products that have accumulated overnight in the oil. Extremelyimportant when oil pulling is the duration of the procedure. It is now known that oil pulling should last at least 20 minutes. This is the time needed for the antibacterial substance in the oil to seep into the gum pockets and eliminate the bacteria hiding there.

After spitting out the oil, the mouth should be rinsed several times with warm water and the teeth thoroughly brushed. However, those who still have amalgam fillings in their mouth should refrain from this method as a precaution. Oil pulling could release mercury from the fillings.

Oil pulling as an additional oral care measure

Oil pulling should never replace tooth brushing, but should be seen as an additional oral and dental care measure. Traditionally, pure sesame oil is used for oil pulling. Experience shows that besides cold-pressed sesame oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil and coconut oil (particularly popular) also work best. Nevertheless, there is much to be said for using a special mouthwash oil for oil pulling instead of normal vegetable oils. In any case, care should be taken to always use an organic oil that is 100% pure and rich in active ingredients.

If you have any further questions about oil pulling, the pharmacists at the Saint Charles Pharmacy in Vienna and Berlin will be happy to help.

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