Saint Charles Tipps für's Home-Spa - Rundum verwöhnt

Saint Charles Home Spa Tips - All Around Treatments

The wet and cold autumn season invites us to make ourselves comfortable at home. Now is the time for extensive care and well-being rituals, which at the same time do our soul good. So let's create our own private home spa and pamper ourselves from head to toe. With our easy-to-implement tips from our Saint Charles beauty experts and beauticians, nothing stands in the way of the project:

First, you should create a relaxed, warm feel-good ambience. Take your time, put on your favorite music and scent bath or your personal relaxation room. Our aromatherapy consultant Elisabeth (Store Herrengasse) recommends a blend of natural oils of orange, rosemary and grapefruit for harmonizing mood. If we are feeling a bit under the weather due to the wet and cold temperatures, then a blend of orange, thyme and myrtle is recommended. For effective and lasting room fragrancing, we recommend the use of a diffuser.

For scalp and hair

The best place to start is with the head. Because the often itchy scalp and our hair are also happy about an extra portion of care. Our beauty expert Martina (Cosmothecary) recommends first a vigorous brushing unit upside down, thereby the scalp is aired and well supplied with blood for the absorption of the subsequent care. Martina motivates us: "The healthier the scalp, the healthier the hair". Then gently nourishing and moisturizing coconut oil is applied to the scalp and hair. Tip: It is best to wrap a towel around the head and leave the care on as long as possible before washing it out again. If possible, gladly also overnight.

For the body and face

In preparation for body care, a full bath can be taken first, if desired. If the focus is on relaxation, our beautician Diana (Hideaway) recommends magnesium flakes, - who wants to feel like Cleopatra, chooses a nourishing whey bath. Afterwards, or alternatively after a body shower, apply a natural base oil to the still damp skin, depending on your preference and skin needs, we recommend an organic jojoba, almond or even argan oil. Apply the oil in circular motions towards the heart. Afterwards, wrap up warm and relax. Perhaps with a cup of tea? For facial care, a gentle basic cleansing is needed first, followed by the use of a toner. Afterwards, our cosmetic team recommends a deep cleansing, for example with our natural Saint Charles Purifying Clay Mask, which works for five minutes, or - if fruit acids are well tolerated - a Saint Charles Enzyme Peeling, which is applied for two minutes. In each case is removed gently and without friction with a warm sponge or similar. As luxury care for the facial skin, a few drops of Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum and Antioxidant Gel Serum are then combined and applied. Insider tip: Afterwards, the application of a jade roller is recommended. With it, the face is massaged according to instructions (always from the inside out). The effect will convince: the complexion looks much more relaxed and recovered afterwards.

Décolleté care

Our beautician Diana (Hideaway) reminds us to absolutely also consider the décolleté and neck area in facial care. Indeed, this is often forgotten as part of the face and is happy to receive attention. The cleansing process is the same as for the face, with a basic cleanser and toner, after which a Saint Charles Clay Mask can also be applied if desired. It is removed very gently with a warm, damp guest towel. Afterwards, the high-quality Saint Charles Antioxidant Gel Serum is massaged in. The optimal massage technique here is from the base of the décolleté laterally up the chest to the neck with several repetitions until the oil is absorbed. To enhance the effect, a warm compress soaked in olive oil can also be wrapped around the neck and covered with a cloth. Again, a rest and exposure time of one hour is recommended.

For velvety hands and feet

Not to be forgotten is hand care - especially in the current times. Washing and disinfecting hands on a regular basis puts a tremendous amount of stress on our skin. Water, soap and disinfection remove moisture, make hands drier, more vulnerable and make them age faster. That's why our hands need an extra dose of care. Our beautician Beatrice (Hideaway) reveals her personal care ritual for the hands: a pampering oil bath and a care pack. Everything simply to convert: For the oil bath, mix lukewarm water with a few drops of Saint Charles Anti Oxidant Oil Serum and bathe your hands in it for 10 minutes. For the soothing care pack afterwards, mix Saint Charles Hand Cream with Saint Charles Anti Oxidant Oil Serum and apply it thickly to the hands. Put a thin cotton glove over it and leave it on for the whole night. By the way, the nails regularly enjoy a Saint Charles Hydro Boost Gel Serum, which is gently massaged into the nails and cuticles. Finally, the feet also get a special treatment. Our beauty expert Lisa (Cosmothecary) advises to apply a good foot cream really thick and to put on warm socks. Then it's best to go to bed for a beauty sleep. The next day, you'll be happy not only about delicately soft feet, but an all-around well-groomed appearance and relaxed.

More tips and tricks

For more tips and tricks, the team at Saint Charles Cosmothecary will be happy to help. If you prefer to design your home spa with guidance, you can book an online coaching with our beautician Diana. For pampering time away from home, we recommend a visit to our Saint Charles Hideaway for a loving and customized body or facial treatment.

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