
FFP2 mask wearing made easy - our skin care tips

FFP2 masks are considered a more effective means of protection against the coronavirus than cloth or surgical masks and are now mandatory to wear in many areas of our daily lives. However, there are some important things to keep in...

St. John's wort oil - The home remedy for wounds and pimples

St. John's wort oil is a healing red oil from the yellow blossoms of St. John's wort. The macerate is also popularly called red oil. Herbal medicine has been using St. John's wort oil for centuries as a natural healing...

Lockdown meets Black Friday | rethink.economy

This year, the pandemic has shaken up all the rules of the game for seasonal and sectoral developments in retail. Especially in retail, the situation was almost black and white between winners and losers. While DIY stores, sporting goods and...

Yarrow - The wound-healing all-rounder

Yarrow was named medicinal plant of the year in 2004 - because this herb has it all. Few medicinal plants are as extensively effective as yarrow as a medicinal and useful plant. Even in ancient times yarrow was known as...

Momentum | rethink.economy

If you look for a translation for the term momentum, you will find synonyms like force impulse, movement or also momentum. Words that very aptly describe the current developments and intense changes in the time we are living in at...

Whey as a natural skin care in the cold season

Whey is often perceived only as a waste product, but it is extremely healthy and can be used excellently for various internal and external applications. Whey is considered an ideal fasting companion and is bursting with minerals, vitamins and amino...

The Perfumed Man - Interview with Paul Divjak about the newly published book

There is an art to smelling good. In his new book, fragrance poet and award-winning fragrance designer Paul Divjak focuses on a special history of scent: that of the perfumed man. In it, he provides a stylish overview of outstanding...

Melissa - The soothing medicinal plant

Lemon balm has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times, but in Europe it is mainly used as a medicinal and culinary plant. The health effect is based on the essential oil contained in the leaves. This consists...

Wild mallow - The first aid for skin blemishes

The wild mallow, popularly known as cheese poplar, was already known as a medicinal plant in ancient times. The Roman Dioscorides used it already 100 years after Christ for the relief of burns and skin inflammations. Meanwhile, mallow is considered...

Saint Charles Herbal Essences – Traditional Herbal Recipes

The Traditional European Medicine (TEM) has been dealing with proven methods of herbal medicine for centuries. One of its most important representatives in Europe is the physician and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541), who wrote comprehensive medical writings on the preparation of plant...

Fire Cider - the immune-boosting cold tonic

Fire Cider is a fiery vinegar decoction that is mainly known in the USA and is appreciated for its warming and expectorant effect. With Fire Cider, the name says it all: the fiery cold drink gets the circulation going in...

Sage hydrolate - effect and instructions for use

The oldest records of the healing properties of sage date back more than 4000 years. The ancient Egyptians already used the medicinal herb intensively in the treatment of serious diseases and epidemics. In the tombs of the pharaohs, sage was...

The Power of Breathing mit Max & Me

Breathing exercises and strengthening the airways are more important than ever. Conscious breathing gives us strength and is a particularly beautiful tool for relaxing, centering and balancing. Tanja Gruber, Co-Founder of Max & Me, enlightens us in this article about...

Lime blossom - The beauty remedy

Already in the times of the ancient Greeks, the lime tree was considered a tree of healers and a symbol of peace. With its numerous healing ingredients such as flavonoids, tannins, mucilage, saponins, tannic acid, vitamin C, vitamin P and...

Lavender - The medicinal plant 2020 as an all-rounder for complaints

The pleasant-aromatic smelling medicinal plant of the year 2020 lavender is scientifically well researched. Around 280 ingredients have already been identified in the medicinal plant. Essentially, the healing power of lavender comes from the active ingredients contained in the essential...

Butcher's broom - The butcher's broom helps with venous insufficiency

Many are familiar with the leaves of butcher's broom from flower arrangements. The name butcher's broom is due to the fact that in earlier times food was often stored in baskets woven from twigs of butcher's broom. The prickly "leaves"...

Wild pansy - The specialist in inflammation

The classic pansy from the garden or bed know most. The original Wild Pansy, is more inconspicuous than the cultivated "stepmother", but their healing effect has been appreciated for thousands of years. With 10 cm height and the small flowers,...

Recognizing true sustainability in cosmetics

Sustainability and natural ingredients in the cosmetics industry are in vogue. In itself a positive development to which we at Saint Charles have always remained true since the beginning of our brand. If it weren't for greenwashing, where shower gel,...


"People could close their eyes to the grandeur, to the awfulness, to the beauty and close their ears to melodies or bewitching words. But they could not escape the fragrance. For fragrance was a brother to breath." (Patrick Süßkind in...

Tips against skin eczema through frequent hand washing

Hand hygiene is considered one of the most important infection control measures in everyday life. However, frequent hand washing now leads to more and more people developing itchy hand eczema. Hand disinfection with alcohol-based preparations is "the means of choice",...

Oxymel: Natural sour honey from vinegar and honey

Doctors of antiquity, such as Hippocrates, already swore by the health-promoting effect of the medicinal drink Oxymel. Translated, it means sour honey, because its main ingredients are vinegar ("oxos") and honey ("meli"), as well as additional herbs or spices, depending...