
Die Rolle des Mikrobioms in der Frauengesundheit

Das Wohlbefinden von Frauen ist geprägt von einem feinen Zusammenspiel aus Hormonen, Darmflora und Lebensstil. Besonders in bestimmten Lebensphasen wie den Wechseljahren wird deutlich, wie stark Körper und Seele von dieser Balance abhängen. Ein spannendes Thema, das zunehmend in den...

Lady's mantle: use and effect of the "lady's weed

Women's mantle is a delicate plant, found almost everywhere in the world, with cup-like lobed leaves in which drops often collect in the morning. Lady's mantle has always been closely associated with ladies. Often used as a tea or tincture,...

Muscatel Sage | Medicinal Herb for Mood and Women

The muscatel sage (Salvia sclarea) is an absolute eye-catcher in the garden with its purple-white lip flowers and the reddish to purple bracts. It is also an insider's tip as a medicinal plant, and the essential oil is particularly popular...

What influence does iron deficiency have on the desire to have children?

If the body lacks iron, it draws attention to it with various symptoms. These include fatigue, forgetfulness, shortness of breath, paleness, hair loss and depression. In this article, we explain why you should pay particular attention to an adequate supply...

Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA in the desire to have children

For many years, it has been assumed that micronutrients play an important role in female fertility and reproduction. Already with the desire to have a child, the need for vitamins, minerals and trace elements increases in order to optimally prepare...

Treat magnesium deficiency and prevent it effectively

Almost all of us know it: sudden muscle cramps - most often at night or during sports. This muscle cramp can be harmless, but is also often a symptom of a magnesium deficiency. Pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular, but...

Vitamin D in the desire to have children

Sunlight on the skin not only has a pleasant warming function. It also leads to the synthesis of vitamin D, which, among many other processes in the body, regulates our sex hormone balance in a complex interaction. But to what...

Pimp your Eggs - How Coenzyme Q10 Improves Egg Quality

Coenzyme Q10 can improve egg quality and is often recommended as a power food for better eggs under the keyword "Pimp your Eggs". Find out why coenzyme Q10 can improve the quality of eggs (and even sperm) in this article....

What dietary supplements for those who want to have children?

Involuntary childlessness affects about every sixth couple in Austria. This can have many causes, such as stress, smoking, an increasingly older age of first-time mothers, lack of sleep or diet. A change to a vitamin-rich and wholesome diet can help...

Folic acid during pregnancy - to be taken daily even if you want to have a child

Numerous studies have shown that the intake of folic acid significantly reduces the risk of childhood malformations of the nervous system or neural tube defects. At least 50 % of neural tube defects could be prevented by an improved supply...

Magnesium oil as the perfect companion during pregnancy

With external magnesium absorption via the skin, a new chapter in magnesium substitution has been opened. Similarly easy to handle as the oral intake of magnesium, the effect is even more reliable and higher when absorbed through the skin. Kathrin...

Progesterone - the all-round hormone

When it comes to natural or bioidentical hormone therapy, there is no getting around one particular hormone - progesterone. Our Saint Charles pharmacy in Berlin specialises in treatment with endogenous hormones. In this article, pharmacist Sabine Oeverhaus-Zeeck shares her expertise on...

Wound healer Marigold

Hardly any other plant is as exquisite a wound healing herb by nature as the marigold. The sight of it alone is a blessing - the popular, easy-care garden plant delights us from early summer to late autumn with its...

Natural Sun Protection | Part 1

Don't be afraid of the sun: everything you need for a healthy sunbathing culture.   When the first rays of sunshine peep through the clouds after a prolonged period of gloomy weather, our hearts "lift". Our mood lifts instantly and...