
The healing power of bitter substances - health begins with good digestion

"What is bitter in the mouth makes the stomach healthy." A bitter (taste) experience can certainly set healing changes in motion. Because bitter substances promote the entire digestive process and in this way also influence all other bodily functions. Only...

Detox | Apothecary's Alpha and Omega of Detoxification

With the approach of spring, we long for a fresh start, lightness and relief. It is not uncommon for our organism to be lacking in energy and tired after the long winter season, and to call for cleansing and purification....

Plastic (detox) for the body

For many, Lent is a time of conscious renunciation - be it of certain foods, alcohol or digital distractions. But how about a detox that is not only good for the body, but also for the environment? Plastic is omnipresent...

Detox & Acid-Base Balance - Old Knowledge, New Findings

"The fastest way to health is detoxification" Paracelsus. DETOX - DETOXIFICATION - DETOXIFICATION - Is not a trend, but a scientifically proven medical doctrine that gets to the root cause of diseases and eliminates long-term disturbances in health. For some...

Oil pulling with mouth drawing oil - The Ayurvedic cure for detoxification

Oil pulling is trendy - but should not be underestimated. Oil pulling is an uncomplicated method that contributes to daily detoxification. In the Ayurvedic tradition of oil sucking, "oil pulling" detoxifies the entire organism. The Indian art of healing states...

Dandelion - The healing properties of the weed

No other plant is as underestimated and dismissed as common as the dandelion. Quite wrongly, because the composite plant, which is widespread on all continents, is today considered one of the most important detoxifying plants. The fact that it can...

The benefits of 16/8 Intermittent Fasting for our body

With the beginning of Lent, the question arises again and again which fasting method is the right one. One thing in advance - there is no right or wrong, but rather what is good for me and which method makes...

Simply.Fasting. | Why we should do it

Health is undoubtedly our greatest asset! And there is hardly a simpler and more effective measure to maintain and promote health than fasting. The principle of fasting The principle of fasting is as old as mankind, it was already practised...

Stimulate metabolism naturally - Our fat burner tips

Year after year, summer is approaching sooner than many would like, and so is the question of how to lose weight quickly and easily. There is no magic bullet as a recipe for losing weight, which is why our pharmacists...

Fasting as the elixir of life - the Buchinger/Lützner therapeutic fasting method

The latest scientific research, e.g. by Dr. Frank Madeo, University of Graz or Dr. Valter Longeo, University of California, confirms what Hippocrates of Kos (460-377 BC), the father of modern medicine, already taught. ), the father of modern medicine, taught:...

Therapeutic fasting: This is how we fast - What you did not yet know about fasting

More and more people are looking into the topic of fasting. With the first Marienkron Fasting Survey, our partner, the Kurhaus Marienkron, shed light on the state of knowledge, motives and experiences of the Austrian population regarding the conscious renunciation...

Traditional European Medicine - Four Juices Doctrine, Therapies and Products

Traditional European Medicine is both a natural science and a spiritual science. The ancient natural medicine of Europe perceives and takes seriously the human being in its wholeness. It aims to strengthen the individual constitution of a person, regulate imbalances...

A Pharmacist Fasts - a Personal Experience Report

An urban fasting week at Saint Charles? When we set up the cooperation with a medically certified fasting leader, I was - in keeping with my nature - immediately fired up to attend the week in person. The benefits of...