Ein Apotheker fastet – ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht

A Pharmacist Fasts - a Personal Experience Report

An urban fasting week at Saint Charles? When we set up the cooperation with a medically certified fasting leader, I was - in keeping with my nature - immediately fired up to attend the week in person. The benefits of fasting are obvious. However, still far too little used. I have also tried some in the past. However, on my own, so things were not quite round for me until now. Professional guidance, precise instructions, a soup and juices placed in front of me and ultimately the possibility to integrate everything into my daily work routine, I found great! Urban fasting! Hooray! And a bit of a personal challenge, I admit.

Mild panic to start fasting

And then I just let things come to me. In the week leading up to the start of the fast, a lot of questions and probably something like slight panic arose. A whole week without solid food - until you're stupid - in good Viennese. And then the coffee, which I had already had to do without the days before. But there was also effective counter-help against the emerging headache. The actual fasting week started on Friday evening and lasted a week. Very practical - the weekend is just around the corner, which is good for the start. At the beginning, a joint meeting in our Complementary was on the schedule, the fasting participants get to know each other and the fasting leader personally. The exact timing for the daily morning and evening sessions is agreed, instructions for the daily routines are discussed, a fasting package with useful products is handed over, all questions are answered. Here we go! Really now?

My Fasting Diary - Everyone is in the same fasting boat

Saturday: The first joint exercise session in the Burg and Volksgarten! The group dynamic and relaxed, joint movement does good, - everyone is sitting in the same fasting boat, - coffee cup carriers and breakfasters we ignore - more or less painfully. Then: Katschunga! Glauber magic! With a tuned Glauber salt intake the bowels are emptied for the first time. This happens relatively quickly, no literature is needed at the toilet! The body is still programmed for food today - the temptation great, but at the same time impossible. Struggling. Sunday: Morning routine with milk thistle tea, body brushing, enema (half bad, quickly becomes routine, honestly...), mouth drawing oil; then off to the complementary for the yoga programme. Wonderfully relaxing - why don't I do it more often? At lunchtime: a meal, yes. There's a fresh juice provided - and it's spooned up with joy! The Sunday roast has to be skipped. Anything but easy, but not forever. Instead, a common fasting soup happening in the evening. Freshly prepared with lots of love. So good - and celebrated by candlelight. Stylish! Monday-Thursday: The morning routine becomes more of an actual routine every day, followed by movement sessions in the complementary (yoga, aroma meditation - wonderful!) or outdoors in the castle garden. First work day on Monday with lots of tea and water. At lunchtime: juice spooning. Goes surprisingly well. Also the next few days! Distracts and the time without food passes more quickly. In the evening, a common soup ritual - I feel good in the group, we have fun! We are looked after and watched over - that also feels good. In addition, there are alternating liver wraps, abdominal massage and an impulse flow unit for body relaxation.

Daily it gets easier - the goal is getting closer

Thursday I'm almost in high spirits - looking 10 years younger, the energy is there, I treat myself to a detox treatment with our Diana at the Hideaway and I'm almost there again.

Friday Tomorrow: breaking the fast! "Three of an apple" - solid food for the first time - celebrated together! A feast for the eyes and the palate. Brilliant, the taste buds literally explode, the atmosphere is terrific! And me: a few kilos lighter, with noticeably fresh energy and proud of myself and of all the other participants! Congratulations! And a huge thank you to the whole fasting team, who accompanied us professionally and empathetically through the week!

Conclusion: I would do it again! Honestly!

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