
Stay Home. Stay Healthy. - Our tips from the pharmacy

The current Corona crisis is forcing us all to slow down and be considerate of our fellow citizens. For most of us, this is leading to a fundamental change in our usual routine. While we as a pharmacy are one...

Melissa Tea | The Health Effects of the Medicinal Herb

Melissa, also called lemon balm, originates from the eastern Mediterranean region and is a recognised natural remedy. Many people know lemon balm because of its intense lemony smell when the leaves of the medicinal plant are crushed. The tea made...

Oil pulling with mouth drawing oil - The Ayurvedic cure for detoxification

Oil pulling is trendy - but should not be underestimated. Oil pulling is an uncomplicated method that contributes to daily detoxification. In the Ayurvedic tradition of oil sucking, "oil pulling" detoxifies the entire organism. The Indian art of healing states...

Apothecergin: The first gin from the pharmacy!

    Richard König is co-founder and managing director of Saint Charles Organics GmbH. Together with pharmacist Alexander Ehrmann, he loves to tinker with new products for Saint Charles. Usually there is a concrete plan behind it, but sometimes passion...

Which oils leave skin and hair beautiful

Pure and high-quality plant oils provide the face and body with valuable nutrients, help the skin to regenerate and make it soft to the touch. Oil is also a real insider tip for the scalp. But which oils are best...

Care miracle vegetable oil: Care for skin and hair with oil

Pure and high-quality plant oils provide the face and body with valuable nutrients, help the skin to regenerate and make it soft to the touch. Oil is also an insider tip for the scalp. But which oils are best suited...

L-Lysine - Essential amino acid against cold sores

L-lysine belongs to the group of essential amino acids - those amino acids that are vital for us but which the body cannot produce itself. A sufficient supply of L-lysine is important - especially vegans and competitive athletes should make...

Saint Charles Summer Apothecary Vermouth Drinks

Good things take time, and this also applies to many an inspiration. Recently, we've been loving to bring natural healing to life in the form of drinks. Six months after the ceremonial presentation of our Pharmacist Tonic Shots based on...

How do I make a herbal salve? Medicinal herbs, equipment and know-how

Be mindful of nature, but also of yourself! Our pharmacist Manuela likes to observe nature and after many years of dealing with medicinal herbs, she has accumulated an enormous knowledge around all the house and weeds of our region and...

Traditional European Medicine - Four Juices Doctrine, Therapies and Products

Traditional European Medicine is both a natural science and a spiritual science. The ancient natural medicine of Europe perceives and takes seriously the human being in its wholeness. It aims to strengthen the individual constitution of a person, regulate imbalances...

Masterwort - The star of Hildegard medicine and "master of all medicinal roots".

The masterwort, which is mainly found in the alpine region at over 1000 metres above sea level, presents itself as a medicinal plant whose healing powers have been particularly appreciated by doctors over the past centuries. For some centuries it...

Thyme hydrolate - mode of action and application

The history of thyme goes far back into the past. It was already valued by the ancient Greeks for its healing powers. Today, thyme is one of the most valuable medicinal plants known to us. Early on, thyme was used...

Rose Hydrolate - Mode of action and application

The rose has always been called the queen of flowers and the ambassador of love. Its use as a medicinal plant still seems unusual in our latitudes. However, the wild rose has been used for thousands of years in China,...

Palo Santo Hydrolat- Mode of action and application

The country of origin of Palo Santo is Peru. Its use among the Indian population as a panacea goes back to a thousand-year-old tradition . In Colombian folk medicine, palo santo is used as an analgesic (anti-inflammatory agent), aphrodisiac, diuretic...

Birch Hydrolate - Mode of Action and Application

You can recognise it by its white trunk: the birch. The medicinal powers that were attributed to the slender tree in times past have been forgotten today. Yet birch hydrolate is healthy and can be used for a wide variety...

Acid blockers | Are There Natural Alternatives?

Acid blockers are among the most frequently prescribed medicines. Short-term use usually has no consequences, but if you take them for a longer period of time, this can lead to considerable side effects, as you can no longer stop taking...

Fight pain naturally with hemp CBD oil

Whether inflammation-related or cramp-like, whether toothache, muscle pain, headache or nerve pain - pain can have many causes and can be treated in just as many ways. For people looking for natural substances to combat pain, CBD oil could be...

THC vs. CBD | The production process of hemp CBD oil

The cannabis plant contains over 480 known active ingredients and more than 60 cannabinoids. CBD stands for cannabidiol and THC for Δ-tetrahydrocannabidiol. Both are important active substances and ingredients of the hemp or cannabis plant, which is grown naturally. CBD...

Hemp CBD - What you need to know about the cannabinoid of the hemp plant

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the therapeutic potential of CBD. However, most people still have a lot of questions. What is CBD? How does it differ from THC? Is CBD even legal? To answer these questions,...

10 pharmacist tips for the start of the new year - Part 2

At Saint Charles, we are committed to making a difference for our customers. With our focus on the teachings of Traditional European Medicine, we also see ourselves as a pharmacy for healthy people who want to take responsibility for their...