
How can we strengthen our microbiome?

The best prerequisite for health is an intact intestinal flora. If this is out of balance due to illness, medication (such as antibiotics), stress, lack of sleep or a poor diet, we suffer from tiredness and fatigue, digestive problems, stomach...

The benefits of fermented drinks

Food supplements with fermented drinks and ferment cures are based on naturopathic conviction and ancient knowledge. Traditional fermentation has been recognised for generations as a powerful way of refining high-quality foods. Today we know more precisely how strongly the resulting...

Linseed oil effect: The healthy omega-3 powerhouse

Linseed grows regionally, is either ground or cold pressed into oil and is considered one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3. Linseed oil (flaxseed oil) is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and, with lots of vitamin E, is one...

Liposomal vitamin C: Why it is so effective

Vitamin C is widely recognised for its impressive health benefits, especially for the immune system. But have you ever heard of liposomal vitamin C? This innovative form of the vitamin brings together the best of both worlds, offering improved bioavailability...

The power of nature: Omega-3 algae oil vegan

Algae oil, produced from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp., is becoming increasingly important in the world of dietary supplements. This tiny algae is not only a natural, but also a vegan source of Omega 3 for the essential fatty acids DHA...

Krill oil: Maritime source of omega-3

How the valuable oil of the mini shrimp strengthens our body all around and keeps us young Krill - a miracle of nature. The mini-shrimp in the southern Arctic Ocean represents the largest biomass on earth with 500 to 700...

Strengthen the immune system - naturopathy tips from the pharmacy

More and more people are coming down with more and more people are coming down with colds or even flu. How can we prevent infection and illness? Even Paracelsus, founder of traditional European medicine, claimed that against every evil there...

The versatile healing properties of black elderberry

The black elder (Sambucus nigra), also known as the "elder bush" or "elderberry bush", is a remarkable plant with a rich history of medicinal use. Its showy, fragrant flowers and dark berries have not only been valued in folk medicine...

Blood purifying nettle - effect and use

The first spring walk in shorts - and suddenly something burns your leg. Contact with nettles can be quite unpleasant. As Martian plants, they are, after all, extremely defensive. At the slightest touch of the sawblade-like toothed leaves, the stinging...

The pitch ointment - Anti-inflammatory resin from spruces

Resin, nature's wonder weapon, carries many healing agents and can be used for large and small wounds. The viscous, sticky liquid oozes out of the bark when the tree has wounds and cracks. The tree protects itself from the penetration...

Five natural remedies for last-minute help when travelling

A well-stocked first-aid kit is also part of preparing for a holiday. In our blog post "Checkliste Reiseapotheke" we have already compiled a detailed list of all the medicines that are essential for the usual cases such as minor injuries,...

Cooling down in summer - 6 tips from the pharmacy against heat

The temperatures are rising and rising. For many, it's off to the long-awaited holiday, where high temperatures are easier to bear. For all those at home suffering from the high heat, we ve collected a few tips on how to cool...

Iron deficiency: symptoms and causes

Iron is found in a variety of plant and animal foods. Iron in animal foods is more absorbable by humans than from plant sources. This is because natural plant sources of iron contain many inhibitors to absorption in the body....

Cystitis: Causes, symptoms and home remedies

Frequent urination, burning when urinating or pain in the lower abdomen are common symptoms in women and can indicate a bladder infection. What should you do in this case? Are there any home remedies that can prevent cystitis? In this...

Simply.Fasting. | Why we should do it

Health is undoubtedly our greatest asset! And there is hardly a simpler and more effective measure to maintain and promote health than fasting. The principle of fasting The principle of fasting is as old as mankind, it was already practised...

Cistus tea: effect and application of the medicinal tea

Thanks to its antioxidants, cistus tea strengthens our immune system. We have summarised everything you need to know about the effect and use of this medicinal tea. What is cistus and how does it work? Cistus tea is made from...

Carrot juice with linseed oil - The daily immune booster

Did you know that already a glass of carrot juice a day provides you with many important vitamins and minerals? Because carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene, this is converted in the body to vitamin A, which is why it...

Vitamin B12 - All about food, deficiency & Co

Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for the blood, heart, brain, nerves and is significantly involved in various metabolic processes in the body. In Germany, up to 25 percent of men and up to 50 percent of women are affected...

Peppermint - cooling herb for hot days

Summer heat - that drives the sweat out of all pores. In hot weather, it helps to drink peppermint tea in small portions throughout the day. Swollen feet can be cooled with a cold foot bath and peppermint essential oil....

Stimulate metabolism naturally - Our fat burner tips

Year after year, summer is approaching sooner than many would like, and so is the question of how to lose weight quickly and easily. There is no magic bullet as a recipe for losing weight, which is why our pharmacists...

What influence does iron deficiency have on the desire to have children?

If the body lacks iron, it draws attention to it with various symptoms. These include fatigue, forgetfulness, shortness of breath, paleness, hair loss and depression. In this article, we explain why you should pay particular attention to an adequate supply...