
Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA in the desire to have children

For many years, it has been assumed that micronutrients play an important role in female fertility and reproduction. Already with the desire to have a child, the need for vitamins, minerals and trace elements increases in order to optimally prepare...

Treat magnesium deficiency and prevent it effectively

Almost all of us know it: sudden muscle cramps - most often at night or during sports. This muscle cramp can be harmless, but is also often a symptom of a magnesium deficiency. Pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular, but...

Vitamin D in the desire to have children

Sunlight on the skin not only has a pleasant warming function. It also leads to the synthesis of vitamin D, which, among many other processes in the body, regulates our sex hormone balance in a complex interaction. But to what...

Pimp your Eggs - How Coenzyme Q10 Improves Egg Quality

Coenzyme Q10 can improve egg quality and is often recommended as a power food for better eggs under the keyword "Pimp your Eggs". Find out why coenzyme Q10 can improve the quality of eggs (and even sperm) in this article....

What dietary supplements for those who want to have children?

Involuntary childlessness affects about every sixth couple in Austria. This can have many causes, such as stress, smoking, an increasingly older age of first-time mothers, lack of sleep or diet. A change to a vitamin-rich and wholesome diet can help...

APOTHEKER Spirits: our signature cocktail recipes

Our Spirits Collection combines the centuries-old tradition and knowledge of the apothecary trade of alcohol-based herbal extracts from the regional plant world, which our ancestors already knew how to use as a remedy. This ancient knowledge has been reinterpreted in...

Folic acid during pregnancy - to be taken daily even if you want to have a child

Numerous studies have shown that the intake of folic acid significantly reduces the risk of childhood malformations of the nervous system or neural tube defects. At least 50 % of neural tube defects could be prevented by an improved supply...

Tea tree oil - effect and application for skin and hair

Tea tree oil has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral effects and is therefore considered a true all-rounder and an ideal everyday companion. The evergreen tea tree originated in Australia and has been used by the Aborigines for hundreds of years. In...

Recipe: Make your own ginger shot - strengthen the immune system

Ginger has many health benefits - it boosts digestion and metabolism, fights infections, is antibacterial and helps strengthen the immune system. With this recipe, you can whip up a ginger turmeric lemon shot that is rich in vitamins, minerals and...

Good Mood - What are the best herbal antidepressants?

A lack of serotonin leads to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep, eating and memory disorders. Synthetic antidepressants have a long list of side effects, which is why in this article we present some plants and herbs that are popularly used...

The "sleep hormone" melatonin - does it help you fall asleep?

The hormone melatonin controls the day-night rhythm and is formed in the body from the nerve messenger serotonin. The intake of melatonin is used for the short-term treatment of a primary sleep disorder characterised by poor sleep quality (insomnia). In...

St. John's wort - effect as a herbal antidepressant

St. John's wort is also called "mood enhancer" or "captured power of the sun" and is considered the most popular and important medicinal plant for depression and low moods. But what makes St. John's wort so special? What is St....

Griffonia for depression - The effect of 5-HTP

Griffonia is said to have numerous positive effects. Griffonia is the name of the African black bean. The climbing plant is native to the African jungle. The fruits of the plant are green pods that resemble chili peppers in shape....

Saint Charles Christmas World - Gift Sets

"Make a wish come true" is the motto of this year's Saint Charles Christmas World. But what does your mother, father, best friend or partner wish for? To make the decision easier for you, we have compiled selected tips for...

Healthy Skin Ageing with Tips from Saint Charles

Skin ageing is a natural process that we cannot stop and that shows up differently in each person. However, nature offers us effective alternatives to combat or prevent the signs of time that have already set in. One important measure...

Progesterone - the all-round hormone

When it comes to natural or bioidentical hormone therapy, there is no getting around one particular hormone - progesterone. Our Saint Charles pharmacy in Berlin specialises in treatment with endogenous hormones. In this article, pharmacist Sabine Oeverhaus-Zeeck shares her expertise on...

Pine needles - beneficial for the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system

Exercising in the fresh air among spruces, firs and pines is beneficial for body and soul. During a walk through the forest, we absorb organic substances from the conifers and their essential oils through our respiratory tract and skin. Pine...

Lavender - Regional & versatile

Lavender was voted medicinal plant of the year in 2020. The pleasantly aromatic smelling medicinal plant has been well researched in the past and contains over 250 ingredients. At Saint Charles, we love the "all-rounder" of aromatherapy and use lavender...

St. John's wort oil - The home remedy for wounds and pimples

St. John's wort oil is a healing red oil from the yellow blossoms of St. John's wort. The macerate is also popularly called red oil. Herbal medicine has been using St. John's wort oil for centuries as a natural healing...

Saint Charles Herbal Essences – Traditional Herbal Recipes

The Traditional European Medicine (TEM) has been dealing with proven methods of herbal medicine for centuries. One of its most important representatives in Europe is the physician and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541), who wrote comprehensive medical writings on the preparation of plant...

Fire Cider - the immune-boosting cold tonic

Fire Cider is a fiery vinegar decoction that is mainly known in the USA and is appreciated for its warming and expectorant effect. With Fire Cider, the name says it all: the fiery cold drink gets the circulation going in...