
Saint Charles Fresh Linseed Oil: Here I come!

Plants have always played an important role in traditional European medicine. The flax plant stands out in particular, as it is one of the oldest cultivated plants in human history. Flax was used very early on. Be it as headgear...

Simple Linseed Oil Recipes from the Saint Charles Pharmacy

Energy is the essential component of all life. A good energetic state of the cells is crucial for our health and well-being. Even temporary disturbances of this energy state can lead to a weakened organism and the development of various...

Saint Charles Fresh Linseed Oil

Vegan Omega-3 Power, Fresh - Regional - Sustainable Linseed is one of the oldest cultivated plants of mankind and has been rediscovered in recent years as a vegan and regional source of omega-3 due to its high omega-3 fatty acid...

Fresh linseed oil - gently cold pressed by Gilli Mühle

The archway through which you enter Gilli Mill is old. Almost as old as the mill itself. It has been standing in Eggenburg for 460 years and has plenty of stories to tell. For example, old wooden trams and the...

Bone-strong calcium

Calcium keeps our bones, teeth, nerves and muscles fit, stable and resilient. Our skeleton weighs about 7 to 9 kilograms in total. A good kilo of this is calcium. It is responsible for bone formation and remodelling and is always...

Traditional European Medicine

The pharmacy on your doorstep. In nature on our doorstep, we find exactly those plants that do us good. For many thousands of years, we humans have used the nature that surrounds us not only as food, but also for...

Wound healer Marigold

Hardly any other plant is as exquisite a wound healing herb by nature as the marigold. The sight of it alone is a blessing - the popular, easy-care garden plant delights us from early summer to late autumn with its...

Zinc - the miracle healer

What tasks the trace element fulfils and when we need a lot of it. Zinc is an essential trace element. This means that our body cannot produce it itself. We must supply it regularly through food, because it is needed...

Manuka honey - amazing healing power

Honey is not just honey. Out of all the honeys that exist worldwide, one honey in particular stands out: Manuka honey. The healing powers of this honey, which originates from New Zealand, have been known among locals for centuries. It...

What is propolis?

"Honey for all who wish for a long life!" Hippocrates (460 370 BC) Centuries before medical research could uncover causes and correlations of honey's healing powers, the sweet gold was already a remedy in folk medicine for treating deficiency diseases...

Bee Gardening - Help for the Sky Folk

Why our honeybees are endangered and what we can do about it As small as bees are, their influence on the ecosystem is enormous: the industrious insects pollinate around 80% of all plants and thus ensure our survival. Without plants,...

Propolis bee kit resin - application & effect

In the natural plant and animal world, there are numerous amazing self-regulatory and protective processes that are also valuable and instructive for us humans. The knowledge about bees, their way of life and the healing effects of their products is...