Manuka-Honig – erstaunliche Heilkraft

Manuka honey - amazing healing power

Honey is not just honey. Out of all the honeys that exist worldwide, one honey in particular stands out: Manuka honey. The healing powers of this honey, which originates from New Zealand, have been known among locals for centuries. It contains up to 400x more healing substances than other types of honey.

The Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, traditionally used Manuka honey to heal wounds, ulcers and infections. The feathery leaves of the Manuka bush were bruised by the medicine men and used as a dressing for wounds. The seeds and also the plant parts of young plants were chewed to treat ailments in the stomach and intestines in this way.

In recent decades, science has become aware of the special healing powers of honey. Numerous researches have confirmed that Manuka honey has stronger antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic effects than all other types of honey. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria and even hospital germs, but without developing resistance. The main active ingredient, methylglyoxal (MGO), is responsible for the extraordinary antibacterial property. The proportion of MGO in Manuka honey is extremely high. Compared to conventional honey, which contains only about 1 to 20 milligrams, Manuka honey contains 60 to 800 milligrams of MGO.

Manuka honey has many uses, both internally and externally

  • Externally, it is mainly used to treat wounds, burns and other skin conditions, and works particularly well on purulent skin abscesses. In the case of gingivitis, it can be applied to the gums; it is even said to fight tooth decay.
  • For colds, sore throats and coughs, it is recommended to drink Manuka honey dissolved in hot tea or let a teaspoonful of honey slowly melt in the mouth several times a day. This reduces inflammation in the mouth and throat and the Manuka honey covers the sore mucous membranes of the mouth and throat like a protective film. Spread on the inner walls of the nose before going to bed, the honey can also be helpful for colds.
  • Also diseases of the gastrointestinal system, especially after antibiotic resistance, as well as fungal diseases belong to its spectrum of action. Even the outbreak of cold sores can be prevented in many cases by early and repeated application of honey. Diabetics should not take Manuka honey internally, but the external application can be done without restrictions.

Manuka honey is available in different qualities, which are declared with the abbreviation MGO (for the content of methylglyoxal) or also with the UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). These quality factors must be determined in an independent honey laboratory. The higher the number, the more valuable the quality and the more expensive it is. For example, a Manuka honey with the factor UMF 5+ means that this Manuka honey kills as many strains of bacteria as a 5% phenol solution (disinfectant solution).

It is advisable to keep the healing Manuka honey on hand in every household as an effective natural medicine. For science, the honey is a beacon of hope, especially with regard to the progressive spread of resistant germs.

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