Knochenstarkes Kalzium

Bone-strong calcium

Calcium keeps our bones, teeth, nerves and muscles fit, stable and resilient.

Our skeleton weighs about 7 to 9 kilograms in total. A good kilo of this is calcium. It is responsible for bone formation and remodelling and is always stored together with phosphate in the bones or released from there into the blood. In addition to maintaining our bones and teeth, we also need calcium for muscle and nerve activity and for optimal blood clotting. Furthermore, calcium has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Of course, it cannot manage such a variety of tasks on its own. The calcium-magnesium-phosphorus ratio in the body is particularly important, whereby at least twice as much calcium as magnesium should always be supplied. We usually take in too much phosphorus with our food anyway.

Calcium deficiency & Calcium excess

If we eat a diet low in calcium, if the absorption of calcium from our food is disturbed or if we excrete too much calcium, a deficiency occurs. This can have several triggers, e.g. stomach, intestinal and kidney diseases or vitamin D deficiency. But a stressful lifestyle, an unbalanced diet with too much animal protein and too much salt, coffee and cola drinks can also rob us of calcium. And a calcium deficiency can have serious consequences: poor tooth quality and osteoporosis, but also sensory disturbances of the nerves as well as muscle cramps.

But excess is also possible: either too much calcium or vitamin D is supplied from the outside, which usually takes the form of medication or dietary supplements. Or our body releases more calcium from the bones than necessary - which weakens our bone structure and can be caused by various diseases or therapies just as much as by excessive alcohol consumption or chronic lack of exercise. A strong, persistent excess of calcium can make us tired and listless, reduce our mental performance and lead to calcification in the blood vessels, brain and joints.

Calcium-rich foods & suppliers

What we often heard from adults as a child, but unfortunately not true: Milk, yoghurt & Co are not the calcium suppliers of first choice. On the one hand, dairy products contain far less calcium than expected and, in larger quantities, can lead to lactose intolerance, mucus build-up and hyperacidity. We therefore benefit most from plant-based calcium sources such as algae, cabbage vegetables, nuts and seeds.

In addition to our food, mineral therapy according to Dr. Schüßler is also suitable for supplying us with vital calcium - especially in the form of Calcium fluoratum, No. 1, and Calcium phosphoricum, No. 2. Here, the mnemonic "No. 1 is for the shell, No. 2 is for the fullness of the bones and teeth."

With the facial analysis according to Dr. Schuessler, mineral deficiencies can be read on the face. Clear signs of the need for Schüßler's salt no. 1, Calciumuoratum are caro wrinkles. They start at the inner corner of the eye and run towards the outer corner of the eye. They consist of intersecting wrinkles that form checks or diamonds.

We speak of cube wrinkles when small elevations of the skin also end in this area.

Application areas of calcium

Osteoporosis: Calcium is essential for optimal bone formation and important for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Parodontosis: Gum inflammation can be stopped and reversed by giving calcium
Allergies: Calcium helps regulate and stabilise cellular metabolism - thereby suppressing allergic reactions
Cancer of the colon: Calcium-rich diet neutralises bile and fatty acids that irritate the colon
Hyperactivity: If the extremely low calcium & magnesium levels of hyperactive individuals are normalised, significant improvement occurs within a few weeks Premenstrual syndrome: Mood swings, pain and water retention before menstruation can be reduced by calcium (in combination with magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B6)

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