Die Pechsalbe - Entzündungshemmendes Harz von Fichten

The pitch ointment - Anti-inflammatory resin from spruces

Resin, nature's wonder weapon, carries many healing agents and can be used for large and small wounds. The viscous, sticky liquid oozes out of the bark when the tree has wounds and cracks. The tree protects itself from the penetration of pests, fungi or water with the oozing resin.

Resin - Valuable Remedy from Pines, Spruces and Larches

In the past, resin from coniferous trees such as pines, spruces and larches was considered one of nature's most sought-after remedies due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to healing wounds, pitch, as it is also called, was used as a remedy for gout, rheumatism or for chest ailments. The anti-inflammatory effect of resin ointments made from spruce resin could even be scientifically proven by Finnish researchers. The application ranged from ointments and plasters to incense mixtures ("native incense") and baths to direct ingestion.

Peach ointment made from spruce resin - anti-inflammatory for many complaints

Processed as an ointment, the resin helps against many ailments such as wounds, muscle pain and joint inflammation. Pitch ointment, a well-known household remedy, has been produced and used for many generations, especially in the Alpine region. For this, protruding resin parts are carefully removed from the tree without damaging the tree. If possible, fresh pitch is used for the ointment.

It has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal effect. The ointment can be used for open and inflamed wounds as well as for skin irritations, cold feet and inflammations.

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