Immunsystem stärken - Naturheilkunde-Tipps aus der Apotheke

Strengthen the immune system - naturopathy tips from the pharmacy

More and more people are coming down with more and more people are coming down with colds or even flu. How can we prevent infection and illness? Even Paracelsus, founder of traditional European medicine, claimed that against every evil there is a herb... which natural remedies from the plant world help us now?

Sternanis - Mr. Anti-Flu

Already 5,000 years ago, the Chinese knew about the manifold healing effects of star anise. It has always been used in the Asian region against many diseases with the most diverse pathogens - because star anise acts against both viruses and bacteria. The shikimic acid contained in star anise gives it its excellent antiviral effect: it breaks the chain of infection by preventing the viruses from detaching from the host cell and spreading further in the body.

Propolis - the antibiotic of the bees

Thanks to propolis, it is almost as germ-free in the beehive as it is in the operating theatre. Introduced bacteria, fungi or microorganisms are inhibited in their development or killed and the bee colony is thus effectively protected against infections. Propolis contains over 270 ingredients (minerals, vitamins, trace elements) in a unique combination that also provides valuable services for us humans. Thus strengthens propolis our immune system and prevents pathogens from attaching to cell walls of the human cell. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can be helpful and soothing for sore throats, coughs or hoarseness.

Lime blossom - Simply. Sweat.

Lime blossoms are versatile all-rounders - they have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, expectorant, blood-cleansing and fever-reducing effects. For a sweat cure, pour a tablespoon of the blossoms into approx. 200 ml of boiling water and let it steep for five minutes. Then drink the tea within half an hour. This stimulates sweat production and thus has a detoxifying effect on the body.

We recommend a tea made from lime blossoms mixed with rose hips, ginger root and elderberry, this mixture provides a lot of vitamin C and has a diaphoretic effect.

Essential oils - true all-rounders

According to the tale, as early as the Middle Ages during the plague, thieves used a blend of essential oils to protect themselves from infection while raiding the premises of sick people. This formula was developed by Saint Charles with Five Heroes (formerly Thieves Oil) and is a blend of aromatic herbs (cloves, lemons, eucalyptus, cinnamon and rosemary) which is at once antibacterial, anti-infective, antiseptic and antiviral.

In case of a cold or flu, the oil can also be applied diluted to the upper back and the middle of the chest or simply rubbed on the soles of the feet. Application as part of an inhalation with hot water is also helpful. To ward off viruses, it is recommended to use the oil in a room diffuser to kill airborne bacteria.

More on the story of the 4 thieves here.

Flax oil - a spoonful of health

The flax plant is one of the oldest cultivated plants in human history. Paracelsus already knew about the naturally healing effect of linseed and linseed oil and used it in the healing art of that time. Hildegard von Bingen also used the valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, as well as the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of this oil.

The regular intake of linseed oil has been proven to strengthen the immune system. Viruses and bacteria have a hard time entering the body.
With these tips, we hope to fight the battle against viruses and bacteria in a natural way and wish a speedy recovery to all those who have already caught it!

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