The history of thyme goes far back into the past. It was already valued by the ancient Greeks for its healing powers. Today, thyme is one of the most valuable medicinal plants known to us. Early on, thyme was used to treat digestive complaints, headaches and aches and pains in the limbs. Among the Egyptians and the Etruscans, corpses were embalmed with thyme. Among the Romans of antiquity, thyme was considered a strong aphrodisiac and was mainly used in baths. Hildegard von Bingen also recommended thyme for coughs.
In 2006, thyme was chosen as the medicinal plant of the year by the Studienkreis Entwicklungsgeschichte der Arzneipflanzenkunde at the University of Würzburg. The reason given for the choice was that thyme is one of the most valuable plants for colds .
The effects of thyme
In 1884, thyme was first scientifically found to have a direct effect on the nervous system. Subsequently, thyme was used to treat asthma, depression and respiratory infections, as well as chronic coughs. Until the Second World War, thyme oil was also used in hospitals as a disinfectant, among other things. In the 1950s, the effects of the individual components of thyme oil were scientifically investigated. The therapeutically useful efficacyof herbal medicines containing thyme is now considered proven.
Use of thyme hydrolate (extract)
When thyme hydrolate is taken, it has an invigorating, strengthening effect and acts as a preventive measure in flu season. The range of applications for thyme hydrolate is very diverse. An excerpt of the possible applications:
- For the antiseptic treatment of wounds
- For gargling in the case of a sore throat
- As a facial steam bath for skin impurities and as a facial toner for acne (1:1 with rose hydrolate)
- As a moisturiser in the treatment of sunburn