Saint Impact

Ecological. Sustainable. Fair. These three keywords describe the standards we set ourselves every day. Sustainability, the protection of the environment and fair business practices have been a concern of ours since our founding. The Saint Charles family is committed to a number of issues. In doing so, we see ourselves not only as an economic company, but also as a part of society that wants to make a contribution outside of monetary aspects.


WE The "we" encompasses the entire Saint Charles family with its employees, partners, suppliers and all those who contribute to the well-being of people and their environment through joint action. We stand for respectful interaction, diversity and connect generations and cultures. CREATE Our approach "Not more, but better" is not only part of our DNA, but for us it means above all responsible business management, in that we not only "avoid", but actively "contribute". With commitment and passion. With organic products and intelligent, sustainable solutions - for the sake of our children and nature. HUMAN People and their living space are at the centre of our actions. In the spirit of our underlying philosophy of Traditional European Medicine, we view the human being holistically and as an inseparable part of nature. For us, WELL-BEING means personal, sustainable well-being in harmony with nature. Starting with the treatment of personal focal points, through holistic health care to a balanced and positive attitude to life, Well-Being is at the heart of everything we do. We also want to inspire people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being.

B Corp Zertifizierung

Wir sind stolz darauf, ein B Corp zertifiziertes Unternehmen zu sein. Diese Auszeichnung ist ein internationales Zertifikat, das unser Engagement für soziale und ökologische Verantwortung und die Einhaltung hoher Standards unterstreicht. Als Benefit Corporation verpflichten wir uns, nicht nur gewinnorientiert, sondern auch zum Wohle des Planeten und aller Menschen zu handeln.

"B Corp" steht für "Benefit for all" und "Corporation", was bedeutet, dass wir als Unternehmen einen echten Mehrwert für Gesellschaft und Umwelt anstreben. Seit unserer Gründung ist es unser Ziel, durch unser tägliches Handeln eine positive Wirkung auf Gesellschaft und Umwelt zu erzielen. Als zertifiziertes B Corp-Unternehmen sind wir Teil einer globalen Bewegung, die sich für eine integrative, gerechte und regenerative Wirtschaft einsetzt. Die B Corp-Zertifizierung umfasst eine gründliche Bewertung unserer Unternehmenspraktiken, einschließlich Umweltleistung, Mitarbeiterbehandlung, Transparenz und gesellschaftliches Engagement. 


As a cosmopolitan company, we stand for diversity. It is our concern not only to "avoid" but to actively "contribute". With commitment and passion. To build lighthouses with innovative products, intelligent solutions and passionate employees and partners. Lighthouses of sustainability. Lighthouses for the future. For the sake of our children and nature.


Our Saint Charles products are often made from 100 per cent natural organic ingredients, without any additives. We use over 95 per cent amber or violet glass bottles for our products. We try not to let any plastic get on our products. A great advantage of our products: Glass is up to 100 percent recyclable.


Local partners are preferred! You don't have to travel far for superfoods, because all the herbs we need already grow on our doorstep. We support many small partners, producers and growers in Austria and neighbouring countries. With our partners, we value the know-how and the passion for natural medicine. Instead of negotiating the lowest price with suppliers, we focus on diversity, regionality and quality.


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