SAINT CHARLES goes Hamburg | Neuer Partner in der Hansestadt

SAINT CHARLES goes Hamburg | New Partner in the Hanseatic City

After the founding of the German Empire, Heinrich von Stephan was commissioned to create a unified imperial post office and built one of the largest and most magnificent postal buildings, the Alte Oberpostdirektion in Hamburg,for this purpose. The listed building on Stephansplatz, near the famous Gänsemarkt, has been home to the Apotheke am Dermatologikum for almost 7 years now.

But it is not only the historical reference that connects the pharmacy at the Dermatologikum with the Saint Charles pharmacy. When you enter the pharmacy inside the building, you are greeted not only by the villa style of the era, but also by spacious shop windows and historical drawings above the high shelves of the pharmacy. With the pharmacy at the Dermatologikum in Hamburg, pharmacist Jasmin Menk and her husband Peter Menk also live the combination of old pharmacy tradition with modern elements and place great value on aesthetics.

Passion for naturopathy

In particular, the Hamburg pharmacy combines a passion for naturopathy with Saint Charles. That is why it has recently started offering a wide range of Saint Charles products as part of a shop-in-shop concept.

"A good pharmacy is simply much more than a dispensary of medicines. Here we still live the philosophy that we make our own products for our patients and, in addition to classical orthodox medicine, we also rely on the experience gained from classical, tried-and-tested naturopathy. In doing so, the quality and sustainability of the production are clearly in the foreground for us." Pharmacist Jasmin Menk

In addition to the well-known natural cosmetic products such as the Apothecary Soap or the Private Blend, one can also find capsules, herbal teas, magnesium products, the Saint Charles Cream deodorants and aromatherapy products in the range.

First point of contact on the subject of a holistic approach to health

The team in Hamburg wants to be the first point of contact locally when it comes to a holistic health approach. The broad spectrum of doctors, from the Dermatologikum to the Lans Medicum to the Centre for Interdisciplinary Medicine, naturally offersunique possibilities for patients and the pharmacy. And here naturopathy plays an important role in the holistic philosophy of the Hamburg pharmacists.

"With the beautiful pharmacy at the Dermatologikum, we have found a like-minded partner who lives traditional European medicine and is passionate about serving holistic health. We look forward to working together", says pharmacist Alexander Ehrmann, founder of Saint Charles Pharmacy.

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