Einfach. Natürlich. Strahlen

Simple. Natural. Radiance

Lena Hüffel, make-up artist at Saint Charles, was personally let in on the make-up secrets of New York star make-up artist and RMS Beauty founder Rose-Marie Swift. In the interview, she reveals more about the benefits of organic cosmetics.

Lena, as a Saint Charles make-up artist, why do you generally recommend organic make-up?
High-quality organic make-up products contain only pure, organic ingredients that make the skin glow in a natural and nourishing way. Our make-up lines are free from chemical, synthetic and gene-modified ingredients and have the potential to act like healing food on our skin.

Could organic make-up - compared to synthetic - be seen as a healthy compromise with trade-offs?
(Laughs) Quite the opposite. Many women fear that decorative natural cosmetics cannot compete with the well-known synthetic make-up products on the outside. Yet conventional make-up in particular often causes the skin to age more quickly due to synthetic ingredients - a factor that is omitted with high-quality organic make-up.

In your experience, does organic make-up still need a lot of convincing in Austria?
Unfortunately - just think of animal testing for cosmetics - most people are already aware of the need to adopt the most responsible attitude possible towards themselves, nature and the animal world. Of course, we at Saint Charles are very happy about this, we live and love the green movement!

Do you have a favourite brand?
I make no secret of it - "RMS Beauty", which Alexander Ehrmann was the first to bring from New York to Vienna three years ago.

What is so special about RMS?
Wonderful, opaque colours and naturally high-quality ingredients. Because careful and gentle processing keeps enzymes, vitamins and nourishing antioxidants intact, RMS is also considered an excellent chemical-free anti-aging product. What synthetic make-up can make that claim?

The rejuvenating foundation "'un'cover-up", the radiance-enhancing "living luminizer", the nourishing "lip2cheek" shades and, of course, all the other products in the organic RMS Beauty range are available at Saint Charles Cosmothecary.

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