Superfood Hanf | Mythen – Wirkung – Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

Superfood hemp | Myths - Effect - Food supplements

Hemp has always been one of the oldest useful and ornamental plants in history. However, most people only know hemp as marijuana or hashish, as intoxicants and medicines. Recently, the focus has increasingly been on the effects of hemp - not as a psychoactive agent - but as a food supplement.

The ambivalent role of hemp

Medical research has long been concerned with the effectiveness of cannabis. Especially in pain therapy, multiple sclerosis, nausea or vomiting, positive effects could be proven in medical application. A distinction is made between two different ingredients, namely THC and CBD. Mainly psychoactive is the illegal tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which influences the central nervous system of humans. The active ingredient cannabidiol (CBD), on the other hand, is not prohibited because, unlike THC, it has only a very slight psychoactive effect. CBD is extracted from the female hemp Cannabis sativa / indica and is mainly used medicinally. It has a decramping, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effect and helps against nausea.

Rethinking cannabis

Now a rethink is also taking place in the food industry. Because the robust and resistant hemp plant is not only suitable for medicinal use, but can also be used excellently as food. The hemp protein extracted from hemp is so rich in nutrients that people could live on it for months without the risk of deficiency symptoms. In our society, it is common to cover most of our protein needs from animal sources. However, this often leads to an over-acidification of the body and strains the digestive tract. The hemp nut provides a remedy here: it is not only alkaline, but also very easy to digest and contains a lot of dietary fibre. In addition to an optimal amino acid composition, it also has essential fatty acids (Omega 3+6), as well as large amounts of minerals, trace elements and vitamins - all purely natural active ingredients.

Hemp thus offers far more than one would think at first glance. Draw strength from nature and get to know the advantages of hemp protein. You can find more information about hemp in

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