Our organism is constantly exposed to oxygen-containing molecules, so-called free radicals, which burden the body. Caused by environmental toxins, stress, poor diet or alcohol, this oxidative stress can burden the immune system and support diseases. Free radicals attack cells and can render them non-functional, which can be the cause of many diseases. They are also associated with signs of ageing and diseases such as rheumatism, dementia, allergies, diabetes, MS, chronic inflammation or Alzheimer's.
Antioxidants, also called radical scavengers, protect our cells and can avert serious cell damage. Since our modern diet is very much based on meat, carbohydrates, bad fats and food additives, we also consume fewer antioxidants today, which increasingly disturbs the balance in the body. On the other hand, you can find high-quality sources of antioxidants in fresh, organic vegetables and fruits or natural oils. The same applies to hemp, which is experiencing a renaissance due to its broad range of nutrients.
Hemp: The radical scavenger
The antioxidant potential of food is determined by means of ORAC value. It means "Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity". Hemp seeds have an ORAC value of over 5000 µmol /TE/100g. In comparison, for example, blueberries have a value of 2234, pomegranates 3307, strawberries 530 or avocados 782. But also the beta carotenes, B vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids contained in hemp are antagonists of free radicals. As is the unique amino acid profile of hemp with the amino acids cysteine, gluthathione or taurine.
With around 7mg per 100g, hemp oil or seeds also have a high vitamin E content, which also supports numerous important biochemical processes in the body. Hemp offers a broad base of tocopherols, which are rarely found in vitamin D preparations. The various tocopherols are increasingly coming into focus in connection with diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease or inflammatory processes.
Hemp products, as well as hemp protein (as a pressed product of hemp oil), thus support the reduction of inflammation very effectively with their antioxidants. They also reduce the risk of heart disease by keeping the arteries permeable and also reducing the bad LDL cholesterol. Another advantage is that the cult plant hemp grows regionally and does not actually need any pesticides. This not only saves unwanted chemicals in the food, but also ensures - in addition to protecting the environment - a high nutrient density.
Hemp products, such as the hemp oil, hemp protein, hemp nuts or hemp leaves, which are offered as food or food supplements, must of course not contain THC (psychoactive cannabinoids). For this purpose, own hemp varieties are cultivated.