Gelebte Tradition bei SAINT CHARLES – die Herstellung im Labor

Lived tradition at SAINT CHARLES - production in the laboratory

In the course of the 14th century, the apothecary changed from a flying merchant to a wealthy patrician who not only sold medicinal plants, spices and drugs, but also produced medicines himself in the offizin (lat. officina = pharmacy salesroom). And that has not changed to this day.
Medicines are mainly produced that the industry cannot offer in this way. These can be ointments with individual active ingredients or dosages or special cream bases. Amazing, because neither the rooms nor the necessary equipment can be seen as a customer in the pharmacy.
There is a special separate area in the pharmacy for the production of medicines. In the SAINT CHARLES pharmacy, all prescriptions are produced in the pharmacy laboratory according to strict GMP guidelines (= good manufacturing practice). This is very important so that the medicines can be prepared hygienically. Since very different preparations have to be made, such as ointments, creams, gels, juices, suppositories or capsules, the equipment is correspondingly extensive. It ranges from simple bowls made of plastic or steel to complicated electrical equipment. Written manufacturing instructions and a manufacturing protocol are required for each production of medicinal products. Thus, the documentation effort for each manufacture is very extensive, but also ensures maximum quality and safety.

Of course, pharmacies must also stock different types of containers in various sizes into which the manufactured medicines are filled. The employees must also have completed pharmaceutical training or studies. One focus in the laboratory of the SAINT CHARLES pharmacy is the production of bioidentical hormone formulations and the mixing of fresh plant juices, which are individually prepared according to a doctor's prescription.
A proven and popular immune booster - especially now towards autumn - is a mixture of cypress and echinacea. Taken 2-3 times a day, it quickly makes you forget about an oncoming cold.

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