Die richtige Dosierung von Magnesium

The correct dosage of magnesium

Magnesium is not without reason called a power mineral. Like no other vital substance, it makes us resistant to stress, calms our nervous system and gives us stamina and strength. However, depleted soil or soil overfertilised with nitrates, modern civilised food such as pasta, sugar, fast food or sodas containing phosphorus cause our magnesium levels to drop. But sport, intensive sweating or stress also contribute to a magnesium deficiency. From the point of view of orthomolecular medicine, magnesium in particular is an important mineral, as it cannot be taken in in stock. Magnesium must be supplied daily.

Magnesium deficiency is associated with many symptoms. These include poor concentration and nerves, dizziness, sleep problems, muscle cramps, tension in the neck or shoulder area, muscle twitching, headaches or even dental problems.

The right magnesium dose

But how much magnesium should you take? The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) from the authorities, as well as the DGE (German Nutrition Society), is 300 to 400 milligrams per day for adolescents and adults. Experts, such as the recognised magnesium researcher Dr. Seelig, however, estimate the requirement to be significantly higher. They assume that an adult needs between seven and ten milligrams per kilogram of body weight. At a body weight of 70 kilograms, that would be between 500 and 700 mg per day, almost double the amount recommended by the health authorities. For adolescents and children in the growth phase, the requirement can even be 15-30 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Under certain living conditions, the requirement can double. The requirement increases, for example, when illnesses are present, intensive concentration is required, during pregnancy, through stress, heavy sweating or during sport. People who smoke or like to drink alcohol also need more magnesium.

The absorption of magnesium

Magnesium can be absorbed through oral intake (dietary supplements) or transdermal application (absorption through the skin). In the case of oral intake, experts assume that only about 30 to 60 percent of the magnesium contained can be absorbed through the intestine. Of course, this can vary greatly from person to person and depends not least on the state of health of the digestive system. However, an absorption of 100 percent is unlikely. This must be taken into account accordingly when dosing food supplements. In the case of transdermal absorption via the skin, the question of dosage is not so crucial, as there can be no side effects and any excess is simply excreted via the urine.

Foods with a high magnesium content include seeds and nuts (sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts), cereal products (oatmeal, unpolished rice, wholemeal products), dairy products (cheese such as Emmental or Gouda, yoghurt) and of course fruit and green vegetables. A detailed table on the content of magnesium in foods can be found, for example, in this vital substance encyclopaedia.

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