Klosterheilkunde | SeeWald Klosterspezialitäten

Monastery medicine | SeeWald monastery specialities

SeeWald's monastery specialities are the result of a cooperation with the European monastery Gut Aich (Salzburg), which offers extraordinary treasures of high quality from nature's garden. For centuries, the powers of traditional local medicinal plants have been known and carefully used to positively influence the causes of physical and mental discomfort. The use of high-quality native herbs contributes to maintaining more well-being in a simple and natural way. Herbs turn out to be true treasure sources for this purpose.

The concentrated knowledge of the monks

The monastery Gut Aich has made it its business to research new herbal products. Over the centuries, a great>knowledge about the cultivation and effectiveness of plants has been gathered in the monasteries, and this is to be constantly expanded and advanced. Father Dr Johannes Pausch OSB, Prior of the European Monastery Gut Aich and 1st Chairman of the Association of European Monastic Medicine Gut Aich, speaks of a "treasure chest full of medicinal plants".

Optimal conditions through the power of the elements

The monks of Gut Aich monastery use the four primal elements of earth, water, fire and air in an optimal way for their herb cultivation. The plants absorb the well-balanced powers of the primal elements and pass them on to humans. In addition, each herbal product carries an individual mandala developed through meditation. These herbal mandalas are abstractions about the essence of plants. They developed from often very long meditation, visualising and contemplating the plant and the knowledge of its effects.

The careful handling of the herbs is also reflected in the harvesting and processing of the herbs: "The production of our monastery specialities begins with the sowing and care of the plants and ends only when we hand them over with all good blessings." (The Benedictine monks of Gut Aich Monastery)

SeeWald herbal elixirs in the Saint Charles

range. Venture into the world of native herbs and plants and use the power of herbs for yourself. We at Saint Charles Pharmacy are pleased to have the new regional, organic herbal essences from SeeWald Klosterspezialitäten in our range. The products are now available in the Saint Charles Apotheke in Vienna, as well as online in the Seewald Kräuterelexiere Onlineshop.

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