Apotheker Wermut auf weißem Hintergrund

Apotheker Wermut

The powerhouse of the native plant world

Regular price€ 28,80

Quantity: 500 ml
( € 57,60 / 1000 ml)
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Made according to a traditional apothecary recipe by macerating regional herbs in rosé wine. Developed in collaboration with Demeter winemaker Michael Andert and Hubert Peter.

Contains rue, fennel, rose and muscatel sage, among others. As a true powerhouse of the plant world, further regional herbs from wild collection are added to the vermouth.

The alcohol content is 16.5 % vol.

Wine, alcohol, stevia, herbal mixture (recipe with over 20 regional herbs from the wine-growing region and wild collection).
Simply enjoy pure, pour on mineral water or add to drinks and sparkling wine.
Protection of minors: The sale of alcohol to young people under the age of 18 is prohibited by law. Our offers relating to alcohol are therefore directed exclusively at adults. With your order you assure us that the recipient of the goods is older than 18 years. The alcohol content is 16.5 % vol.






The historic Saint Charles Apothecary exists since 1886 in Vienna and is the scientific and ethical backbone of Saint Charles. All Saint Charles products are based on the teachings of Traditional European Medicine (TEM) in combination with the latest findings in naturopathy. In developing them, we pursue our passion for high-quality, sustainable and effective natural remedies and cosmetics.


Our range of Herbal Remedies includes dietary supplements, herbal oils and herbal teas. The traditional recipes come from our pharmacy in Vienna. They are constantly being further developed by our pharmacists.

We offer all interested parties exclusive mix suggestions with our vermouth tonic, made from over 20 regional herbs from wild collection. Whether invigorating, strengthening concentration, calming or regenerating, we have the right drink for every need.


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