Interview mit Demeter-Winzer Michael Andert

Interview with Demeter Vintner Michael Andert

Good things take time, this was also true for our Apotheker Tonikum Shots. According to the motto "not more, but better", our tonic shots are something modern, regional and above all effective. Our partner Demeter vintner Michael Andert, who shares this passion with us and has actively supported us with his know-how, has made a significant contribution to this. What could be a better match for our shots than an organic Demeter vintner and herbal educator with a lot of experience in the gentle handling of nature?

In the following, we would like to introduce Michael Andert to you in more detail - and what better way to do this than with an interview?

Interview with Demeter winegrower Michael Andert (aka herb educator)


You already wanted to "become a farmer" in your childhood, why?The forest, it was the forest; the vines and the maize were like a forest for me as a child, I felt safe in it. Living in it had a strong effect on me from a very early age.

Why did you decide on sustainable, biodynamic cultivation (Demeter)? What does this mean to you?
One decisive point was that my daughters helped in the vineyard with the cultivation and harvest as teenagers. After only two to three hours, their facial skin was red and irritated - the chemical pesticides were to blame. After that, I looked around for sustainable alternatives, which is how I finally came across Demeter in 1999.

As a viticulturist, how did you become more involved with the science of herbs?
At various courses and training sessions, books and brochures about herbs kept appearing, and these captivated me more and more until I decided to attend a course myself. I was immediately enthusiastic and wanted to learn more about the science of herbs.

What does it mean to you to be a certified herbal educator?
It is a blessing, because through the knowledge of herbs I could gain so much in quality of life. In every area of life - whether nutrition, healing for people, plants or animals, or even stimulants. There are many herbs in our immediate surroundings and we can use them. I would like to pass on my experience and knowledge to those who are interested.

What would you like to pass on to young children who visit you on your vineyard/farm?
I would like to teach them to approach the world of plants with respect, curiosity and above all joy. Herbs can be recognised as sentient beings and these can be used accordingly. Whether we just see the beauty, inhale their fragrance, or eat them.

Why did you decide to work with Saint Charles?The impulse came from a friend I trust. The first meeting with the owners confirmed that more than just "classic" medicines are administered to customers here. The knowledge of the value of "natural remedies" and the use of them is an essential point in the philosophy and I could quickly identify with these values.

Thank you very much for the interview! You can find the story on our Apothecary Shots here.

Picture (flnr): Alexander Ehrmann, Hubert Peter, Michael Andert, Richard König


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