Ein neues Kapitel in den Beelitzer Heilstätten: Saint Charles und die Heilstätte am Wasserturm

A new chapter at the Beelitz sanatoriums: Saint Charles and the sanatorium at the water tower

Saint Charles Berlin opens a new chapter with the Heilstätte am Wasserturm in the historic Beelitz sanatoriums. In addition to the Saint Charles pharmacy in Berlin, you will now find an extension of the range in the gentle forests of Brandenburg. Here, where patients once breathed the healing forest air, we rely on a symbiosis of tradition and modern naturopathy. Saint Charles brings its values of holistic health, regionality and sustainability to this magical place - an invitation to experience the healing power of nature in its purest form.

Where history and nature meet

The Beelitz sanatoriums, a place full of history and mysticism, are being revitalized by the vision of Sabine Oeverhaus-Zeeck and Burghard Oeverhaus. Past and present merge in the rooms of the sanatorium at the water tower: The walls whisper stories of days gone by, while modern natural cosmetics and aromatherapy touch the senses. Here, it is not just about healing the body, but about a deep connection with oneself and nature. Saint Charles understands health as a harmonious interplay of body, mind and soul - an experience that can be experienced in new depth at the Beelitz Heilstätten.

A place of inspiration and retreat

The Heilstätte am Wasserturm is more than a retreat; it is a sanctuary that invites visitors to immerse themselves in the world of natural remedies. The events and consultations on site offer space for slowing down and reflection. Women and men in the midst of life find the opportunity here to pause, regroup and draw strength from nature.

On-site offers include:

  • Saint Charles Store: Over 400 products from the fields of natural cosmetics, aromatherapy and naturopathy await you
  • Pharmacy: We can advise you on micronutrient medicine, gut health, bioidentical hormones, aromatherapy and more
  • Natural cosmetics & skin health: natural cosmetic treatments pamper and provide a relaxing break for body and soul
  • Life coaching: As a certified life coach, Burghard Bernard Oeverhaus helps you to look deep inside yourself and realize your true greatness
  • Readings, workshops and lectures: Deepen your knowledge of natural remedies and holistic health.

Opening hours: Thursday and Friday: 10 am - 6 pm, Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm

We look forward to your visit to the Heilstätte am Wasserturm, Am Heizkraftwerk 3b, 14547 Beelitz-Heilstätten. Further information: https://www.dieheilstaette.de

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