ESSE Organic Skincare | Probiotische Hautpflege

ESSE Organic Skincare | Probiotic Skin Care

Esse Organic Skincare is becoming increasingly popular with our customers. One more reason to introduce Esse Organic Skincare. Esse is the natural cosmetics brand from South Africa and offers a unique probiotic skincare range derived from pure plant-based ingredients from Africa's biodiversity.

What are microbiomes and probiotics?

Most people associate probiotics (good microbes) with maintaining healthy gut flora, but new research shows that synergistic microbiomes also greatly influence skin health. The Human Microbiome Project has discovered that optimal skin health depends on the existence of billions of microbes living on and in the skin. The skin is a complex ecosystem,with at least ten microbes for every human cell. These microbes penetrate deep into the skin's structure and work with the body's cells to create complex chemical processes that keep your skin glowing.

Esse Organic Skincare has invested heavily in research to ensure its products maintain an optimal balance of microbes to slow the ageing process. The ingredients used by Esse create an environment on the skin that promotes the proliferation of good microbes so that they outperform other types of microbes that age the skin. To do this, they use prebiotics that selectively provide food for the good microbes.

Revolutionary: probiotic facial care

Advances in genetic sequencing over the past 10 years have enabled Esse Organic Skincare to identify the differences between human DNA and other organisms. These findings are revolutionising views of human health. Each of us represents a complex ecosystem - a mixture of human cells and microbes.

The Human Microbiome Project, which began in 2008, concluded in 2013 that "microbes contribute more genes necessary for human survival than do humans themselves". If you put the DNA in your body on the scale, you will find that only 46 % is of human origin. The remaining 54% is microbial. There are 10 microbes for every human cell in your body. So human cells are certainly not outnumbered.

So microbes make a big contribution to health. They help digest food and process toxins. They produce essential amino acids and vitamin K (which you need for blood clotting) and help regulate blood pressure. The Human Microbiome Project has shown that complex microbial interactions take place in the skin. This is leading science to completely new methods of skin treatment and prevention of premature ageing.

Science and conservation as the foundation for Esse Organic Skincare

Esse Organic Skincare products are based on scientific findings. The products do not follow fashion trends. Because nature offers us everything we need to make the most effective products in the world. A belief in nature has instilled in the Esse team a desire to protect natural resources. South Africa is home to almost a quarter of the world's plant species. Esse Organic Skincare has selected Africa's best plants to incorporate potent new active ingredients into its products. Ingredients include baobab, Kalahari melon, kigelia and marula. These plants are wild-harvested to ensure their extracts deliver maximum potency.

Since its inception in 2002, Esse has always remained true to its core principles: certified organic, vegan, animal-free and fair trade. PhytoTrade Africa monitors the sustainability of the wild-collected raw materials and ensures that the plant collectors from the rural communities are fairly compensated.

Esse Organic Skincare wants to pave a step towards a sustainable, diverse and beautiful future. The natural cosmetics products of Esse Organic Skincare are available in Vienna in the Saint Charles Cosmothecary, as well as in the onlineshop of Saint Charles Apothecary.

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