Die Heilwirkung des Wundklees auf die Haut

The healing effect of kidney vetch on the skin

Kidney vetch, also appropriately known as apothecary clover, is a hairy flowering plant that can be used to treat wounds. Dr Hauschka has been utilising the "superpowers" of this plant in its premium natural cosmetics for over 15 years. We shed light on the effects of this extraordinary wound plant and look at its special features.

Regulating power

Kidney vetch develops a different shape depending on its location and knows how to adapt. With these properties, it develops a finely regulating power on the skin and responds flexibly to every skin type. It addresses the skin as an organ with all its functions and strengthens it in its ability to delimit itself without becoming rigid. Kidney vetch provides impulses to guide every skin into a balanced, healthy complexion, revitalising it and harmonising its regenerative and degradative processes.

How to use kidney vetch?

As its name suggests, kidney vetch extracts are often used in skin care and also in traditional medicine to support wound healing. Kidney vetch is widely used in natural cosmetics. Its skin-caring properties make it a popular ingredient in a variety of cosmetic products such as face creams and lotions. The balancing effect of kidney vetch on the skin makes it particularly suitable for the care of sensitive and irritated skin.

Kidney vetch essentially contains two classes of substances: Flavonoids, which are yellow plant substances, and saponins, which are foaming substances. They have a skin-protecting and anti-inflammatory effect. The saponins in kidney vetch promote cell growth and thus skin renewal. It also contains antioxidant flavonoids, which protect against UV radiation and premature skin ageing.

Contributing to biodiversity

Kidney vetch provides an important home for the dwarf blue butterfly caterpillar in particular, as it only uses kidney vetch and bladderwort as food plants. With their rich nectar and pollen, the flowers of Kidney Vetch attract bees in particular. By pollinating the Kidney Vetch, the bees contribute to the reproduction of this plant and thus support the ecological balance in the region.

Dr. Hauschka Demeter cultivation

Demeter is a certification for biodynamic cultivation that sets the highest standards for ecological sustainability, social responsibility and biodiversity. Dr Hauschka also cultivates Kidney Vetch in the Swabian Alb according to these strict biodynamic standards. This sustainable cultivation method not only ensures the purity of the plant, but also the health of the soil and the surrounding ecosystems, thereby promoting biodiversity.

Where does kidney vetch grow?

In the past, the Wound Clover flowers processed by WALA came from wild collections - the Swabian Alb with its nutrient-poor, calcareous soil is a favourite location for the plant. Kidney vetch has been cultivated for a good 15 years and is grown on around 0.5 hectares on WALA's own Sonnenhof, a Demeter farm near Bad Boll. This yields around one tonne of fresh plants per year for Dr. Hauschka Skin Care. After harvesting, the Kidney Vetch is processed directly into essences or, after drying, into oil extracts.

Quelle: Dr. Hauschka

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