Wir sind Gesundheitsverbündete - Kurhaus Marienkron und Saint Charles

We are health allies - Kurhaus Marienkron and Saint Charles

The power of the tree comes from its roots. The power of health comes from the intestine. With this approach, the Traditionshaus Marienkron has redeveloped itself in 2019 as a Centre for Gut & Health. With a new style, new design and a unique concept. And a new collaboration with a like-minded partner - Saint Charles.

"Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the passing on of fire." (Thomas More)

- A basic intention at Saint Charles. We work with Traditional European Medicine according to ancient knowledge already proven by our ancestors and combine this with current, modern knowledge. This approach is also lived practice at the Kurhaus Marienkron. During discussions with attending doctors and dieticians, it quickly becomes clear: Here you are in competent hands. Building on traditional practices, one is treated according to the latest scientific research findings.


Individuality writ large

Every body ticks slightly differently. That's why at the spa, after in-depth discussions with the treating team, there is a unique, individualised care concept for each guest and no one-size-fits-all methodology. At Saint Charles Pharmacy World, it is also a matter of course for us to advise each customer individually. The body system is considered in its entirety and we always try to identify the true origin of a problem. This is, how could it be otherwise, often the intestine as the root of health.

Our pharmacists at Saint Charles, as well as the doctors and therapists at the Marienkron Spa House, accompany customers in a individual lifestyle change. We are happy to provide advice and would like to change something for the better in the long term with our products and services.



We are Health Allies - The Saint Charles | Marienkron Programme 2020

Our 2020 programme includes a number of exciting activities. In the spring we will start with lectures on the topic of fasting. We want to place special emphasis here on the correct application of fasting cures and interval fasting. Experts, doctors and pharmacist Alexander Ehrmann will be on hand to provide advice.

  1. "Ways to fast", Gunther Farnleitner, 29.01.2020
  2. "Fasting myths", Anna Lesnjakovic, 19.02.2020
  3. "Interval Fasting", Dr. Ulrike Göschl, 31.03.2020

Two fasting weeks, one at Marienkron, one at Saint Charles, are also planned.

Image ©: Marienkron by Steve Haider 2019

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