Manuka Hydrolat – Wirkweise und Anwendung

Manuka Hydrolat - Mode of Action and Application

The indigenous people of New Zealand, the Maori, used the Manuka plant for healing hundreds of years ago. The leaves and bark of the South Sea myrtle were recognised as a remedy. They were crushed and brewed into a tea. Because of the tea that the Maori made from the bark and leaves, the South Sea Myrtle has also become known as Tea Tree. Equally well known is the Manuka honey, which can now also be bought in Europe. Manuka hydrolate does not have the "refining" process by bees that honey does, but the plant's special ingredients can still be extracted.

The effects of Manuka

The Manuka plant contains the following important ingredients: sesquiterpenes, triketones, sesquiterpenols, monoterpenes, leptospermum, esters and monoterpenols. These have a proven overall effect anti-inflammatory, expectorant, disinfectant, analgesic and soothing on the body.

In addition, the growth of bacteria can be reduced, the mind can be balanced (in stressful situations) and receives new energies, the complexion is improved (skin functions can be strengthened), histamine production can be regulated, pain and inflammation are relieved, wound healing can be accelerated, colds can be overcome more quickly, physical tension is relieved and the autonomic nervous system is protected.

Use of Manuka Hydrolate (extract)

The hydrolate, like the Manuka plant itself, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and is very versatile in its use (extract):

  • Help with states of exhaustion
  • For insomnia
  • For indigestion, stomach problems
  • For inflammation
  • For colds, coughs, bronchitis
  • For skin problems (oily, dry, itchy skin)
  • For wounds

Manuka hydrolate can also provide important services for colds and reduce discomfort. Sore throats can be treated and relieved with it. In addition, the hydrolate ensures that no inflammation occurs in the mouth and throat area if it is taken daily and sprayed on the mucous membrane of the mouth. However, it is important not to eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after taking it.


Distribute 3-6 teaspoons of Manuka Hydrolate throughout the day.

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