Namasté - Power Yoga trifft Saint Charles

Namasté - Power Yoga meets Saint Charles

We are pleased to be part of the first drop-in meditation studio of the Power Yoga Institute in Hamburg. Coinciding with the re-opening of the 3rd Power Yoga Insitute studio in Hamburg on 3 February 2019, yogis on site will be able to enjoy an even more intense mediation experience with selected Saint Charles products.

Founder of the first Power Yoga Studios in Germany


The now third Power Yoga Institute Studio in Hamburg opens as a meditation and yoga studio with drop-in meditation classes, fascia movement, Ayurveda & finest yoga. The Power Yoga Institute Studios (formerly Power Yoga Germany Center) in Hamburg have been around for over 15 years. The founders of the Power Yoga Institute, Andrea Kubasch & Dirk Bennewitz, approached us some time ago during their search for 100% natural, fragrant yoga mat sprays. What spray would be more suitable for this than our Saint Charles Apothecary Yoga Mat Spray, with the wonderful scent of essential thyme, cinnamon and lemon oils?


Dirk Bennewitz, head of the studios, previously worked in worldwide personal protection for pop stars, models and actors. Even then, yoga was a welcome balance for his hectic and stressful everyday life. In the meantime, he also stands on the yoga mat with many celebrity clients and teaches them. Andrea Kubasch's passion for yoga, in combination with music, is truly contagious. She teaches teacher trainings and workshops and is now known worldwide for her motivating and dynamic teaching style.

Power Yoga in conjunction with the Saint Charles Apothecary Series


In addition to our popular yoga mat spray, our Apothecary Series was also allowed to make its way into the new studio. From now on, yoga and meditation enthusiasts can cleanse their yoga or gymnastics mats with the power of natural essential oils in the Power Yoga Institutes or witness the unique combination of essential oil blends and yoga and meditation exercises in the yoga sessions. For example, Mind Focus helps you focus better, Anxiety Guard helps conquer anxiety, Breathe Easy helps you breathe deeply, Head Pain Guard protects against headaches, Sleep Well quiets you down inside, Stress Guard soothes stressful times and Five Heroes disinfects with five precious essential oils.

Namasté - We are delighted about this extraordinary collaboration. May the positive energy also flow in the third Power Yoga Institute studio and the inner balance move in!

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