Bergamotte Lemongrass Körpermilch

Bergamotte Lemongrass Körpermilch

Refreshing body lotion

Regular price€ 19,00

Quantity: 145 ml
( € 13,10 / 100 ml)
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This body milk was made for a fresh start in the morning: with its citrusy-tart scent, which both women and men find pleasant, and its velvety-light texture, which is absorbed wonderfully quickly. The essential oils of bergamot and neroli unfold as soon as you apply it, and the full vitality of this composition with extracts of blackthorn, field horsetail and quince is transmitted. Valuable oils also provide the skin with moisture and a long-lasting supple feeling.

Wasser, Alkohol, Auszüge aus Salbeiblättern, Schlehenfrüchten und Quittensamen, pflanzliches Glycerin, Sonnenblumenöl, Auszüge aus Lemongrass und Schlehenblüten, Erdnussöl, Auszug aus Ackerschachtelhalm, Olivenöl, Bergamotteöl, Ätherische Öle, Auszug aus Karotte, Jojobaöl, Alginat, Xanthan, Zuckeremulgator, Fettalkohole, Kieselgel. *aus natürlichen ätherischen Ölen
Spread the Lemon Lemongrass Body Milk finely on the skin after showering or bathing. Absorbs quickly.


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