Bio Klapperschwamm - Pilzpulverkapseln

Bio Klapperschwamm - Pilzpulverkapseln

Grifola frondosa

Regular price€ 31,90

Quantity: 120 Stück
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The rattle sponge mushroom powder contains all the ingredients of Grifola frondosa in its natural concentration and composition. After harvesting, the rattle sponge mushrooms are gently dried (at below 35°C) and then ground to ultra-fine size. This grinding technique is also known as the "shellbroken process". This means that the cell walls are broken open when the mushrooms are ground. This is necessary because mushrooms have very hard cell walls which consist of chitin which cannot be processed by the human body. That is why this shellbroken staining is important so that the body can absorb the contents of the fungus. When you use fungal powder, you get the full spectrum of Grifola frondosa's action.
300 mg organic mushroom powder, 95 mg vegetable cellulose capsule
Take 2 times a day 2 capsules unchewed with water.


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