Blusher Brush

Blusher Brush

For framing the face and adding contours

Regular price€ 26,50

Quantity: 1 Stück
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The brush’s tulip shape makes it ideal for framing the face and adding contours. The fine synthetic hairs enable targeted colour application.
Apply a mixture of the two Dr. Hauschka Blush Duo colours to the cheekbones. Alternatively, start by applying the darker shade to the area below the cheekbones, sweeping it forwards, followed by the lighter shade over the cheekbones. Cleaning: wash brush hairs under warm water, creating a gentle lather with a little Dr. Hauschka Body Wash. Rinse well. Finally, gently squeeze out the brush, carefully stroking it back into shape. Place on a hand towel and leave to dry at room temperature.


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