Tee Bio N° 20 - Hanfblütentee mit CBD Plus
Hemp blossom relaxation tea with hop blossoms and melissa


Our soothing hemp blossom tea with CBD Plus consists mainly of pure, organic and hand-picked hemp blossoms. Since these flowers do not contain THC, this tea has no psychedelic effect. The prepared tea contains CBD (cannabidiol acid) and traces of other valuable cannabinoids as well as numerous flavanoids, especially apigenin, luteolin, orientine, quercetin, kaempferol and vitexin. In addition, lemon balm, hop blossoms and rose blossoms support this relaxing tea and round off the taste wonderfully.
Hemp blossom tea should not be confused with conventional hemp leaf teas, as there are numerous valuable ingredients mainly in the flowers.
Hemp CBD is of great importance to our customers of the Saint Charles pharmacy, which is why we attach great importance to the purity and high quality from controlled organic agriculture (kbA). We maintain intensive contact with the producers from whom we purchase directly in order to guarantee the high quality. In addition, our producers are subject to strict quality controls.