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44 Mandala cards in a practical box.

Mandalas are images that emerge in meditation. They are an ancient art and can be found in different traditions.

The herbal mandalas are abstractions about the essence of plants. They evolved from an often very long meditation, the visualization and viewing of the plant and the knowledge of its effects - they have a positive effect on body, mind and soul.


Oil pulling with mouth drawing oil - The Ayurvedic cure for detoxification

Oil pulling is trendy - but should not be underestimated. Oil pulling is an uncomplicated method that contributes to daily more

Plastic (detox) for the body

For many, Lent is a time of conscious renunciation - be it of certain foods, alcohol or digital distractions. But more

Detox | Apothecary's Alpha and Omega of Detoxification

With the approach of spring, we long for a fresh start, lightness and relief. It is not uncommon for our more