Regular price€ 22,80
Quantity: 20 ml
€ 114,00 / 100 ml)
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Palmarosa, like lemongrass and citronella, belongs to the sweet grass family. The leaves of the palmarosa have a sweet rosy - to citrus-like scent and come from the tropical regions of the earth.
Our essential oils are:
- 100% naturally pure, without additives
- exclusively in organic quality (kbA)
- of high quality
- ideal for aromatherapy applications
- proven in our pharmacy
Cymbopogon Martini (aus kontrolliert biologischer Landwirtschaft). AT-BIO-301. Lichtgeschützt abgefüllt in edlen Violettglasfläschchen.
Für die Anwendung im Rahmen der Aromatherapie beraten sie gerne unsere Pharmazeuten in der Apotheke oder qualifizierte Aromatherapeuten.
For aromatherapy application our pharmacists in the pharmacy or qualified aromatherapy specialists are happy to advise you.