Privatmischung Shower + Care Set
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Privatmischung Shower + Care Set

Set with shower gel & body balm

Regular price€ 88,80


Quantity: 2 Stück
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Our own composition “Privatmischung” contains an invigorating composition of essential oils. Comparable to a walk in the mountains, mountain pine and basil are the dominant scents in this unique Saint Charles fragrance, which makes up the “Privatmischung”! Stimulate your senses with this elegant combination of sparkling and fruity grapefruit and juniper notes. A natural shower for the whole body.

Includes essential oils:

  • Mountain pine* grows in the extreme altitudes of the Alps. Frees the respiratory tract and has a mild, foresty and fresh smell!
  • Juniper*: belongs to the cypress family. Strengthens, calms and enhances the concentration. Has a delicate, spicy and balsamic smell.
  • Basil*: well-known from the kitchen, it is one of the most important medicinal herbs and has a mood lifting, relaxing, sometimes aphrodisiacal effect. The fragrance is strong and intense, balsamic, freshly sweet, light and spicy.
  • Grapefruit*: a hybrid of pomelo and sweet orange and has a detoxifying, fat-burning and spiritually enhancing effect. Smells fresh, light and slightly tart.

* certified organic

Set consisting of 2 care products, each with 500ml: shower gel, body balm

See individual products.






The historic Saint Charles Apothecary exists since 1886 in Vienna and is the scientific and ethical backbone of Saint Charles. All Saint Charles products are based on the teachings of Traditional European Medicine (TEM) in combination with the latest findings in naturopathy. In developing them, we pursue our passion for high-quality, sustainable and effective natural remedies and cosmetics.


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