Eau de Smaragd | Apomanum

Eau de Smaragd

The classic among room fragrances

Regular price€ 19,95

Quantity: 100 ml
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EAU DE LAVANDE is a natural home perfume with pure essential lavender oils. It is handmade with the finest 100% natural ingredients which not only smell wonderful but also have true emotional benefits to transform the way you feel. The exquisite smell of the delicate flowery fragrance of natural lavender gives you a relaxing anti-stress moment. 

Unique fragrance compositions

The master of Apomanum's perfume produces these exquisite fragrances by hand according to secret recipes, some of which date back 120 years. He possesses the craftsmanship acquired over many years to dose the precious, fragrant essences from their polished, brown glass vials in such a way that a scientist with a high-precision balance could hardly do better. This is the only way to create a product that combines a high level of quality with an authentic fragrance and thus represents a very special enrichment for your living area.

The peculiarities of the Apomanum fragrances:

  • Exclusive fragrance compositions for your very personal living area
  • Secret recipes, handmade by hand
  • High quality standards for authentic fragrances
  • Gentle storage, gentle maturing process
  • Perfect blend of precious fragrant essences
Ingredients: Natural Lavender Oil (Provence/France), Alcohol


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