
Masterwort - The star of Hildegard medicine and "master of all medicinal roots".

The masterwort, which is mainly found in the alpine region at over 1000 metres above sea level, presents itself as a medicinal plant whose healing powers have been particularly appreciated by doctors over the past centuries. For some centuries it...

Rose Hydrolate - Mode of action and application

The rose has always been called the queen of flowers and the ambassador of love. Its use as a medicinal plant still seems unusual in our latitudes. However, the wild rose has been used for thousands of years in China,...

Manuka Hydrolat - Mode of Action and Application

The indigenous people of New Zealand, the Maori, used the Manuka plant for healing hundreds of years ago. The leaves and bark of the South Sea myrtle were recognised as a remedy. They were crushed and brewed into a tea....

Lavender Hydrolate - Mode of Action and Application

The hydrolate is produced during the distillation of lavender plants. Both the flowers of the lavender (Lavandulae flos) and the essential lavender oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum) obtained from them are used for the hydrolate from the real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Used...

The Way to Simply Beautiful Skin - Part 1

Our skin, the largest organ in terms of surface area, is at the same time a protective shell to the outside, a mirror of our inner self and, above all, an essential part of our personality! For many, blemished skin...

Acid blockers | Are There Natural Alternatives?

Acid blockers are among the most frequently prescribed medicines. Short-term use usually has no consequences, but if you take them for a longer period of time, this can lead to considerable side effects, as you can no longer stop taking...

Focus on the stomach | Medicinal herbs instead of acid blockers

Fire from the stomach is not only an unpleasant evil, it can also do a lot of damage. In Germany alone, one in eight people swallows so-called acid blockers to get the problem under control. Experts now view the widespread...

Magnesium oil and absorption through the skin

With the external, so-called transdermal magnesium application (magnesium absorption through the skin), a new chapter of magnesium substitution is being opened. On the one hand, it is similarly easy to handle as the oral intake of magnesium, but the effect...

Checklist first-aid kit

Proper holiday preparation also includes putting together a small first-aid kit. Especially for the usual cases such as minor injuries, sunburn, nausea or diarrhoea, it is often difficult to get the right medication quickly. However, with a quick first aid...

Saffron: Natural antidepressant

    The valuable herbal antidepressant conjures sunshine in our hearts.The most expensive spice in the world probably came to us with the Crusaders in the late Middle Ages and is still planted in Austria and Germany today. Its original...

Turmeric - healing spice

The spicy turmeric supports digestion and strengthens our intestinal health.The spice extracted from the rhizome ("rootstock") of Curcuma longa is considered sacred in India and has been a popular Ayurvedic remedy for over 3,000 years. Besides the colouring agent curcumin,...

Wound healer Marigold

Hardly any other plant is as exquisite a wound healing herb by nature as the marigold. The sight of it alone is a blessing - the popular, easy-care garden plant delights us from early summer to late autumn with its...

Manuka honey - amazing healing power

Honey is not just honey. Out of all the honeys that exist worldwide, one honey in particular stands out: Manuka honey. The healing powers of this honey, which originates from New Zealand, have been known among locals for centuries. It...