
Wild mallow - The first aid for skin blemishes

The wild mallow, popularly known as cheese poplar, was already known as a medicinal plant in ancient times. The Roman Dioscorides used it already 100 years after Christ for the relief of burns and skin inflammations. Meanwhile, mallow is considered...

The Power of Breathing mit Max & Me

Breathing exercises and strengthening the airways are more important than ever. Conscious breathing gives us strength and is a particularly beautiful tool for relaxing, centering and balancing. Tanja Gruber, Co-Founder of Max & Me, enlightens us in this article about...

Lime blossom - The beauty remedy

Already in the times of the ancient Greeks, the lime tree was considered a tree of healers and a symbol of peace. With its numerous healing ingredients such as flavonoids, tannins, mucilage, saponins, tannic acid, vitamin C, vitamin P and...

Wild pansy - The specialist in inflammation

The classic pansy from the garden or bed know most. The original Wild Pansy, is more inconspicuous than the cultivated "stepmother", but their healing effect has been appreciated for thousands of years. With 10 cm height and the small flowers,...

Recognizing true sustainability in cosmetics

Sustainability and natural ingredients in the cosmetics industry are in vogue. In itself a positive development to which we at Saint Charles have always remained true since the beginning of our brand. If it weren't for greenwashing, where shower gel,...

Tips against skin eczema through frequent hand washing

Hand hygiene is considered one of the most important infection control measures in everyday life. However, frequent hand washing now leads to more and more people developing itchy hand eczema. Hand disinfection with alcohol-based preparations is "the means of choice",...

Our tip from the pharmacy: How to wash your hands properly!

Pathogenic bacteria and viruses lurk everywhere. But infection can be prevented with one simple measure: Wash your hands. Because hands are the most common carriers of pathogens. Thorough hand hygiene can prevent infection with germs. The pharmacists of the Saint...

Saint Charles trifft Hotel ANDAZ Wien Am Belvedere

Vienna has gained a hotspot: on 30 April, the lifestyle Hotel Andaz Vienna Am Belvedere opened its doors. The new hotel was designed as a unique and authentic reflection of the local culture. Under the aspect "The new home of...

DER BOTANIST - Natural pharmacy meets bar

The Naturhotel Forsthofgut at the foot of the Leoganger Steinberge is distinguished by several awards, a highly motivated team and its proximity to nature. With this unique concept, the innovative family resort is known far beyond the borders of the...

Alpine House in Schottland meets Saint Charles

Are you looking for a relaxing weekend for two? Or simply a time-out from everyday life? Then we know a secret tip of a special kind. In the beautiful, wild hills of the Scottish border you will find the recently...

Anti-aging with the sun plant aloe vera

Aloe Barbadensis Miller has been known as a medicinal plant for over 6000 years. It can store considerable amounts of moisture and nutrients in its leaves. This storage capacity is due to a gel-like structure inside the leaves. The so-called...

Stay Home. Stay Healthy. - Our tips from the pharmacy

The current Corona crisis is forcing us all to slow down and be considerate of our fellow citizens. For most of us, this is leading to a fundamental change in our usual routine. While we as a pharmacy are one...

Dr. Hauschka Company Profile | Trendy Natural Skin Care since 1967

Dr. Hauschka, the 100% certified natural skin care product, has been making an impact for over 50 years. We took a closer look at the traditional brand and came across some exciting aspects. Dr. Rudolf Hauschka's wish for a cosmetic...

New: Hyaluronic acid serum from Esse for facial care

Optimal skin condition depends on probiotic microbes living on the skin - that's the Esse credo. Esse products promote the growth of beneficial microbes because the South African brand uses prebiotics to selectively feed good microbes. This optimises skin health...

Innersense - Clean Beauty Hair Care from America

Like all love stories, that of Innersense Organic Beauty began with a fateful encounter: that of two seasoned beauty professionals Joanne and Greg. Joanne's experience as a successful hair stylist and Greg's product knowledge, matured over decades in the beauty...

Care miracle vegetable oil: Care for skin and hair with oil

Pure and high-quality plant oils provide the face and body with valuable nutrients, help the skin to regenerate and make it soft to the touch. Oil is also an insider tip for the scalp. But which oils are best suited...

Wild Roots | New Natural Cosmetics Series

In the Wild Roots natural cosmetics line, we focus on a particularly popular and aromatic plant - rosemary. Known as the "prince of aromatic plants", the herb was once dedicated to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Not least because...

Create and distil herbal hydrolates yourself

Hydrolates are plant waters, flower waters or aromatic waters. Rose hydrolate is probably one of the best-known plant waters and very popular. The recognition of the therapeutic benefits of quality, pure hydrosols is a very recent trend, originating mainly in...

How do I make a herbal salve? Medicinal herbs, equipment and know-how

Be mindful of nature, but also of yourself! Our pharmacist Manuela likes to observe nature and after many years of dealing with medicinal herbs, she has accumulated an enormous knowledge around all the house and weeds of our region and...

Individual skin coaching - We give tips for a "glow complexion".

The Saint Charles Cosmothecary team pays attention to individual skin needs during skin coaching. Skin coaching makes sense, especially to identify the current skin needs. These can change with the seasons, changes in living conditions, hormonal fluctuations, etc. Because regardless...

Dr. Hauschka skin care tips from expert Ksenia Varga

Dr. Hauschka has been offering 100% genuine natural skin care products since 1967. It is therefore considered a pioneer in Europe. We met Dr. Hauschka expert Ksenia Varga for an interview and asked her for tips on the right summer...